Nov 11, 2014 20:45
Wow, it's almost halfway through the month already. Freaky.
Had a good time at my sister's last week. We ate at a lot of different places, as per usual, which were awesome, for the most part. Had two meals out with her cool friends. And saw John Wick at the movies, which was very good.
Oh, and shopping, never forget that. :)
So, I tried some salve I bought at a goat milk products store in Cave Creek. It has some menthol in it. Sitting, minding my own business on the couch, and Moose starts sniffing and licking my head. (the salve is on my hands) Now I have both siamese glommed onto my person. More than usual. Freaky.
Did I mention siamese are great cats, but weird as shit? And destructive at times. (Poor Bogey, the odd man out).
Also, work has been shit the last two days. We always get punished for leaving, but yesterday was nuts. Lots of paperwork, patients, a surprise admission, and a new student to deal with. wheeee... But, at least the numbers help make up for being gone all week. *sticks a smile on my face*
Finally, winter has come. Last evening the wind picked up (even more), and it got down to 20ish, plus a wind chill of zero-ish. Joy. But, I got the tank heater and the heated dog water bucket plugged in in time, so thank God.