Jun 26, 2013 22:05
I finally got a new battery for my trimmer. *cough*after 2 years*cough* Really, though, someone was doing most of the trimming for me, but he can't this year.
My front walk has been somewhat taken over by grass. And weeds. And dirt. *looks shifty*
So I charge the battery, and today I ran the trimmer. Until the battery was out. 2 1/2 hours later my hands have finally stopped shaking. Mostly. Forearms still hurt, though. lol Note to self, trimmers aren't lightweight. And I think I still have grass in an eyeball. This is why I can't be trusted to do yardwork. ;)
Also, Tess is driving me nuts. She's a good girl mostly, but still have some issues with personal space, especially when she's somewhat excited and behind me. argh. There is a training list I'm a part of that I can ask for help with (for that and the lunging), but Zolar's trainer is on there. I just don't want him to think I'm an(ymore of an)idiot(than he already thinks I am).
Oooh, and apparently they took a video of Zolar recently, and just need to put it up so I can see it. yay!
i am a dork,