But it's all good because I'm watching Alien on TV

Mar 22, 2012 19:13

You know, apart from the computer effects and the stars, this could also have been filmed recently. hee! Kinda! (shut up, self, just enjoy the movie)

So, this morning I had exactly 3 minutes of water in the shower. Luckily all I had done was wet my hair, and not put any soap anywhere. I checked the sink-no water. Managed to flush the toilet, but no water came after that. *sigh*
I did my best cleaning up, then went to work.

My friend checked my water filter-which gets plugged. Nope, not the filter. Not the contacts. Not the top of the well itself. Luckily the well guy could come out right at 5, and he discovered that the wires twisted together in the small box on the side of the house that has never been well covered-and I gave up the minimal coverage when the dogs kept playing with it-was actually to the well, and it was 220 volts! Gotta love when things are in logical places. Apparently it shorted out the well. The dude's going to run a power line from the house to the well tomorrow, so I can at least have water for now.
(although tonight I have water that I swiped from the clinic-the 5 gallon spring water jugs. we'll see how I like that 'shower' tomorrow)

Thing is, I needed a new well anyway. Have been saving money for it, but was hoping for a little more time because they are not cheap.

The joys of home ownership. *more sigh*
In the last 6mo I've replaced the air conditioner outside component, had to replace part of the gas line, and now have to replace the well. The last two have been within a month. I've been putting up with very crappy water pressure the last 3-4 years, getting worse each year.

And I'm frustrated because the body shop has now had my car for 10 days, and they still aren't done. It was supposed to be finished in 4 days, but apparently my car was being pesky, and they had to order the door skin instead of fixing it.
I've been driving the truck, but I miss my car. And I miss my Sirius radio.

I've been trying to be more active lately. In a whole person sort of way. I've decided to go to more movies on Saturdays, spending more time in the barn, in addition to the working out I already do. Also going to really do my best to get to bed at a reasonable time. Have been feeling more down/less energetic than usual, and want to change that. I don't like feeling that way.

Looking forward to my periodontist appt on Tuesday. I want to get rid of the rest of the sutures, and make sure it's healing okay. Also want to schedule the next surgery for two months. Wheeee-let's spend *more* money! *rolls eyes*

medical, house, farm, whine, car, random

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