Word Count, Christmas, New Year, meds

Dec 31, 2009 23:13

*304 tonight. Poor Vaako's getting frustrated.

*Christmas was good. Thank you to all my wonderful LJ friends who sent cards. Thanks for the awesome box of books. And, thanks a lot for the wonderful story/art anyanka_eg.

*Happy New Year all!!!! Hopefully it'll be a good one. I'm trying to stay up until at least 12:01, but I'm tired, and we work tomorrow. We'll see. I have 49 minutes to go. lol

*James got his Tildren today. Now we just have to wait to see what happens. And wait, and wait...lol (can take 2-8 weeks to see the full effect). But, he thinks it's going to work. Was very full of himself tonight at dinner, which was good to see.

flist, animals, writing

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