Is this really Ziva singing? Sounds good.
OMG, the new team is like the older version of the old team. Except Agent Lee instead of Ziva. Where the frak did these people come from?
Seriously, the new Director is a power hungry fuckwit. I hope he gets his.
Bwah! Gibbs' team shut the elevator door on his face.
Love the trailer park lady.
Oooh, yummy, 4 month old body.
bwah! Palmer with a one liner.
Ducky "Isn't anybody curious anymore?"
Gibbs, pointing at corpse "Bled out, like him"
Wow, they've been gone 126 days?? Long time. Love Abby's shrine.
bwah! She's giving him a deadline to get them back.
Oh fuck. The bomb was in Morocco, where Ziva was singing, and Gibbs and his new team saw a news feed of her being brought out on a gurney. Poor Gibbs, unable to protect her. Their dead guy was associated with one of the guys in the club.
lol McGee is king of the geeks!!!
The director told Moussad about the guy in the club. hmmm...
And McGee knows stuff, too? WTF?
Oh, and now director is saying he's not doing what people think he is? Still think you're an asshole. So he broke up the team because of all of this shit? So he could have Ziva? Oh crap!! One of his new team is a traitor?! So he wants Gibbs to figure it out? Still, poor old team.
Aaaand, he wasn't going to tell Gibbs? And see if he was going to find out if Gibbs picked up something was wrong with them.
So he explained Ziva, and McGee, but not Tony going to the Ronald Reagan.
B team has figured out the computers were taken 4 months prior.
Wow, lots of people saying bye to McGee. And he feels sooooo guilty about not telling Gibbs.
lol Gibbs brought Abby 2 Caff-Pows. lol Can you say guilty?
Love Abby's rambling.
Ouch, Gibbs is still mad about McGee reporting to Vance, and not him.
Uh oh, the deceased talked to Lee.
Now Lee is in the director's office. The guy called her asking for legal advice because he had been stealing something from the government, but never identified himself. But, she did go through the right channels.
Bwah!!! McGee wants to hack the Pentagon. Okay, the bad guy had better encription than the pentagon. *snort*
Now Tony's on the Seahawk? lol Poor Tony is sick of never being alone.
And OMG, they want TONY to hack into the Pentagon?! lolol bwah! Tim called Tony a girl for not wanting to hack into it.
How did McGee get the passcodes?
Love that Tim and Gibbs agree Tony's insane.
Ruh roh. They downloaded battle plans for an attack on Israel? The Middle east? Didn't quite catch it.
They caught the times Lee was seeing Palmer. Great, Palmer as an alibi? So not good. He is so not good under pressure.
Who else thinks the Lee thing is a red herring. Ah, but now they said they found her report from that guy calling her, so she's clear? Huh. Maybe *that* is the red herring, and it'll be her atfter all.
Uh oh, B team is figuring out something's up. Aaaand Lee spilled to the not!Tony.
not!McGee is in the interrogation room. And, of course not!Tony is going through not!McGee's bag.
Of course they find something-an access card and password.
Shit, not!Tony is trying to kill poor Lee. Crap, she shot not!Tony, didn't she? She's in such bad shape. :( Or is she just a really, really good actor.
Love the discussion between Ziva's dad and the director.
Yay, Gibbs and Lee making up.
One question about not!Tony-didn't he change to NCIS 4 months before? So how did he do stuff before that?
HA!!! It was Lee! After she was all sweet to Gibbs, and shared a silent nod with the director.
Okay, we saw Ziva and McGee coming back, but what about Tony??
Ah, Tony gets his own show next week.
Love this show. Adore the dad. When they wanted to check out why this guy could receive telepathic symbols, and he said he could do it, he asked if he had to keep him alive. bwah! Love it. And the freaky not!science that goes with it.
"Ever considered a life of crime?"
"No dental."
"I think it's time for some intracranial penetration." bwah!
And then they're interrupted by freshmen looking for their class. lol Love it.
Ha! I KNEW the ex-partner of the dead girl took something off her! He was totally in on it. But how did they get that chip into her hand without leaving a nasty scar?
"Oh my God."
"What is it?"
"I believe with proper remodulation you could get satellite television for free."
If the bad guys are using phones, then why do they need the ghost network?
So, a little predictable because I knew they made the exchange when the guy was in the crowd. But otherwise fun.
Well shit, one of the bad guys threw himself in front of a train rather than be caught. oops.
Cool ep.
And, of course, there is upper level in bed togetherness. lol In a way.
Yay, next time a not!alien thingie.