OMG please please please stop with the Claudia Brown shit!! Also, how was there a picture of them together in his wallet when last season it seemed that they weren't even really together? And, I am SO GLAD she has a husband, or whatever. Please make him normal-ish again.
And Helen, cutting the shit out of herself so she can get sympathy from Stephen? Wow, she's hard(er). But I LOVE that Stephen still told her to get out. (BTW, love his apartment.)
And how did she get that brand new car to stalk Nick in?
I think I'd rather see him back with Helen than stalking not!Claudia.
The worms were kind of anti climatic in a way. Although, it was cool when they exploded. Love the boys laughing with worm guts all over them. And mmm....wet t-shirts.
Stephen. Go Stephen all manly and jumping across the elevator. Love him still taking care of Helen, even though he doesn't like her. I agree with not telling Nick about her showing up. He's so unstable as it is...
Also, let's drop the Stephen stuff. If Nick told Stephen they were okay last ep, then why is he telling everyone else that he's angry, or whatever? Nick, either you are, or are not okay with Stephen now. Also, if you really think she's a bitch, then why do you care anyway? Also, it was over 8 years ago.
I'm really starting to warm to Jenny. I think it's because she's a bitch. lol She's really a different character so far, and that makes me happy.
Connor and Abby are very cute here. Soooo almost married. Poor Abby is jealous, but she brought it on herself. However, I don't see Connor and the ho lasting very long-unless he continues with the 'I'm just happy someone wants to go out with me, so I'll stick with it.'
And Leek acting all important and stuff in Lester's office was way cute.
Next week, smilodon! Now I'm kind of hoping I didn't watch that National Geographic special on them. ;)