So someone poisoned the water that Flash and company released last week. Oops.
Okay, but I thought Ming's people had already blown up the Deviant's city. Huh.
This little set up reminds me of Miller's Crossing. Except the father in question kind of looks like a lion. And he slits someone's throat when Flash won't drink the poisoned water instead of injecting him with it.
Seriously, though. If you poison the guy you want to save you, you're really losing out-what if he loses strength too early? Morons. Also, if everyone drank the water, and not everyone is sick, then Flash may not get sick. Of course, we haven't heard yet if it was everyone who drank who got sick.
So now Dale, Zarkov, and Baylin have Sience!bitch, and want to find out what she did to Joe. (Hey, who else thinks maybe she was the one who wanted to poison the water?) Dale soooo wants to kill her. (For once, she's advocating force. So we were forced to watch her being all pacifist before so there's a big difference here? And really, if she hates science!bitch so much for this, please don't try to make me believe she's in love with Flash.)
Do you wish to seek truth, or inflict pain?
In her case can't it be both? lol
Haha, Aura is hanging with Flash again. Wanting to help Flash with the freaky crazy lady. Love that Flash tries to put down her girliness-especially when she counters that he would let Baylin or Dale help him, and she totally slams him.
Bwah! She was totally bluffing. I love her.
Oooh, Flash is stuck in sentient vines, or something. Yay!
OMG, it's totally the three witches in MacBeth, but, like, with one witch. Also, it kind of seemed like she would be old. But they have her as a young, Caribbean-like person. (Ah, she *is* as old as the other lady, but apparently magiked herself young.)
lol And now she wants him to go back to the grabby vines, and get the fruit that is at the bottom of the plants!
Uh oh, they left Zarkov alone with science!bitch! WTF? Now he's admitted that he's worked with Rankol. (So now Rankol's in trouble.) And, of course he's going to believe her that Flash's dad is alive, and knows where he is. Why, why do they invariably leave him alone with prisoners?? Or anyone, really. And, while they used the excuse that Baylin made Dale go with her to find the truth herb they needed, it's a little too dangerous. Also, I could see Zarkov being better at keeping Dale from killing science!bitch than keeping quiet/keeping the prisoner a prisoner. Also, why is Zarkov acting like he's still on drugs? Seriously, it's annoying.
OMG, Zarkov was pretending!! Wow. And he totally got the intel that Ming has the Imex. Cool.
Head healer lady is helping Taron. Yay. Although, she totally knows something is up with Aura and Taron.
OMG, lion!son is doing the 'father, where are you' thing.
Oooh, Baylin is totally doing evil accupuncture! (Yay, Zarkov had a snappy line!)
OMG!!! Head healer lady totally Taron's mother!!!! WTF?! No wonder she looked at Aura like that! And Ming made her take a blood oath that if she ever told Aura she was her mother, then *Aura* would die!
lol Flash oiled himself up to get through the vines. hee! And he's wearing reddish boxers. Aaaaand, of course Flash starts to go wonky while he's still trying to get the fruit things. See, I told you it's bad to poison your hero. Also, if noone knows what the poison is, then how did lion!guy know Flash would only have until the moons crossed-ie. not as long as his son, who was already sick.
Oh dude, it's totally got teeth!!! OMG, and now Aura's going to slick herself up. And she's wearing a red laced bustier, and hot pants. Yay, she killed the plant, though, so cool.
OMGWTFBBQ, Dale is all emo that Joe didn't really love her?
"Shall I cease, or shall I dispatch her?" Love how Baylin is so matter-of-fact.
Ah, bad!witch did poison the water for Ming, but she didn't know Ming was going to poison *everybody.* Bad for Ming.
Also, if lionguy was going to kill Taron at the moon convergence, and the moon converged when Flash was still getting the fruits...But, yay Flash gets there in time, anyway.
I almost thought good!witch was going to have lionguy kill her instead of Taron if he wanted to kill someone, but no, she was just trying to talk sense into him. And she says how she knows how hard it is to lose a child. awww.....Poor lady. No wonder she hated men so much-if Ming stole her baby, had him left in the wilderness, and kicked her out.
Bwah!! They made scientist!bitch make a PSA that Ming was the one who poisoned the water.
Uh oh, Ming is going to seek out the traitors in his palace 'no matter who they are' and looks right at Aura. oops. Kind of.
Wait, John and Rodney playing golf video games in Rodney's lab? WTF, then he's going to ask Katie to marry him? No, nonono. You don't need a beard that badly, Rodey. No one cares that John is your love slave.
Anyone else think that was a lame diamond? lolol Kind of pretty ring, and love that it's conflict free. He's such a dork.
Love Ronon and Keller.
Another sparring accident?
Actually I slipped in the shower.
No, actually sparring accident.
See Rodney, Atlantis is doing this because you belong to John, not Katie. If you destroy the ring in the fires of Mordor, you can open the door. (crap, wrong fandom. But hey, it's the pegasus galaxy, it might work that way-someone really needs to write that crack story.)
Oooh, Ronon's using his manly muscles to try to open the doors.
heee!! Zelanka in the transporter!!
Uh oh, Rodney 'tweaked the quarantine system.' And there's no computer he can mess with.
Little shipper heart is happy that Ronon and Keller are stuck together.
"What is category five?"
"I'm guessing it's worse than categories 1-4." *snort*
Love that John and Teyla are in Rodney's lab.
Zelanka raises pigeons!!! And has them on his laptop!!!!
*snort* John is all freaked out Teyla's going to go into labor.
And oh no, Teyla is talking about no going back on the team.
John has a cop friend from college! With three kids. Ha. Backstory!
lol Everyone is sure someone else is fixing the problem.
Yep, Ronon is still trying to open the doors. And he has to submit to Keller stitching him up again. Oh, what ever will they do....
"Maybe we could pass the time by getting to know each other better." BWAH!!!!! She actually said that! Then tries to make Ronon talk.
"Can't you just fiddle with this thing and open the door?" See Rodney, you can't marry her, she's not really bright.
She tries to hug him, and he doesn't let her. So ha! Rodney, figure out who you really love.
"You may call me a catastophist, but it's a necessary burden I bear." lol Love Rodney.
"...and surprisingly it's nothing Rodney did." lol Zelenka, you are such a sneak.
And all John thinks about is that Rodney's going to be freaking. Stuck in the plant room with no computer.
Rodney thinks he's sick. lol Poor baby.
You go, Telya!! She's figured out the problem with the atmosphere and etc. So is this what she's going to do now-be sciency girl?
"Can anyone do it."
"They'd have to know Rodney's password. Fortunately I have it."
42!! Part of his password. Wait, I hope Rodney told John his password before they started playing prime/not prime, because otherwise, it would really be OOC.
Crap, subspace transmitter. And they can't turn it off.
(Okay, so if Atlantis goes nutsy-kookoo with weird weather, then isn't that bad when you have a flying city that can *go through space to other planets??* Although, maybe the ancients knew to recalibrate everything when they landed so crap like this wouldn't happen. Also, maybe that's why the quarantine procedures weren't quite so stringent.
Back to Rodney and Katy. He still can't do it. (BTW, if she didn't know his normal heart rate was high, then they haven't been having sex. Or she really is dumb.) And he's all worried that he got her sick when she was fondling the Rondey!cactus.
Ronon and Keller. Neither of them like to hurry up and wait. awww....I knew it, I knew this was going to remind him of Melena. It's nice that he can smile with her memory.
(Sorry, his skin just there, his shoulder....mmmmm....soft, and sweet...)
John and Teyla. Now John wants to blast his way out. lol the baby kicked!
"The control room is only 4 floors above us."
"Is that even possible."
"Sure, Batman did it all the time." heeee! I love my boys!!!! Go John, climb that wall!!
Poor Zelanka is worried he's pissed off Sam. lol No window to put the pigeon out of.
Ruh roh, John got a bad handhold. Aaaaand *that's* why the military makes you do sit ups. But John, if you had to break a window to get out, what makes you think you'll be able to get in? Oh, ancient plant.
Shit! Beacon's off, and self destruct is ON, baby! But yay, Lorne!
Is it bad that I like the sound of the self destruct alarm.
lol Ronon referencing Jaws. Love that he's caressing the oxygen tank when he says it's flammable.
Hmm...John has an idea. But now he has to C4 something. Darn.
Rodney and Katie. Nooo, she found the ring! But, he thinks he's dying.
Love Ronon reassuring Keller when she has to cut the oxygen tank.
Teyla! No, do not go out the window. Good.
lol Love the tank projectile *so* not working. "It's a lot stronger than a shark." lol
Okay, that has got to be weird, knowing you're going to blow up soon, but not knowing when. freaky.
So now Katy has the ring in her hand, and Rodney's on the floor thinking he's going to die (and he really could, but not because he's sick), and she still wants him to propose to her. (OMG people, please, please put this story line in its grave).
So that's why they said they got the air way working again-so someone could go through the vents. Anyone else think it was gross that a bunch of dirt or whatever fell out when John took off the grill? Go Zelanka! I hope he doesn't get lost.
Ronon admits he thought Keller was weak and etc and didn't belong. Ooh, Keller was a genius as well. Surprised she's as socialized as much as she is. Awww....Ronon thinks she belongs because she helped him blow up the oxygen tank.
hee! Radek muttering to himself in Czek. Aaand here is where he needs a map. Shit-a long way down.
eeee! Ronon and Keller snuggling!!!!!
Ouch! Radek meets floor with extreme prejudice!
See, how many people knew the power was going to go off the second Keller and Ronon went to kiss??
Yay, Radek made it!!!
lol See, if you're *that* nervous around her, Rodney, you don't need to be with her.
Oh, Sam just ruined it. She says it's been several hours, and noone's picked up their signal. Um, right. Way to make sure something's gonna happen, Sam.
Yay, Rodney fixed the OS so it won't freak out again.
And Katy is all cranky at Rodney, pointing out that Zelanka saved everyone, and Rodney was freaking out too much. And he tells her he's not ready for marriage. She says she's not either. "If we got married right now, I would make your life miserable, and you're far too nice for that." Love Rodney.
Yay, the door is closed on that. And he looked so sad. It's hard to realize stuff like that, Rodney. John will make it better.
Next week, back to the John and Rodney show!
Wait, wait. Their closest ally is the Genii??? Since when?
Pretty cool ep. Nice to focus on Zelenka a bit. Anyone else think he has a thing for women in commad? Elizabeth, Sam. ;)