Jun 04, 2009 20:52
I can't believe I am only know taking time to leisurely study death in the biological capacity. I could have saved myself from so many bouts of boredom I almost want to punish myself. However those bouts of boredom were punishment enough.
Tomorrow is my last day in the prep (embalming) room. I'll be back there in 6 weeks. Im exhausted, had many a bouts of frustration, and self pity, but overall I haven't enjoyed myself as much as I have in a very long time. Productivity, curious interest, and a heated desire to learn all I can so I can eventually master the art. Embalming is an art and I'm beginning to think I want to make it one of my mediums.
Already, not even a month into this internship my tenative plans have shifted completely. (Yet another reason why 'perspective' has become my favourite concept) When I was basically wallowing in a broth of self pity, poverty, and dissatisfaction and loneliness my ideas for next year were to have a ar and just drive. no real destination. Though I'd still like to that one day I want to do it when I'm not using the activity as a means of escape. That's what it was.
As of now I feel best when I think that I'll strive towards either moving to Australia or New York.
Australia to get my embalmer's liscense (they don't have any legal or acedemic requirement for being a Funeral Director - just to embalm)
New York to get my Directors liscense (includes embalming liscense) which would technically make me eligible to practice anywhere in the states, and thus in the whole of North America. I'd also, since I was exposed to this aspect so much, like to try working as strictly transfer service in New York. Doing exactly what I did with M&B only in New York. Holy hell that must be a task and it's a delicious thought to think about.
Tomorrow I am going to a party with Luke. His manager is throwing a party and he invited me. It's my weekend off so to Toronto I go. I have to bring a fair few things this time though and I'm hoping it won't pose to much of a travel issue. My bass needs to be looked at and most likely fixed I fear. The strings certainly need to be changed, but before I moved I had to wash the cash because one of the cats took it for a piss box. I soaked it in the tub and left it outside hanging for almost a day. I thought it was dry, but after I had moved about a week after actually I took the bass out and it was sweating. Absurd yes hence my pricelessy confused and conerned face. There are rust marks on the strings and the bridge. I don't want to fear the worst, but I'll prepare for it. And while I'm there I want to get me a new geetar. I miss having one and this time I'll have one that I an play adequately (a full sized guitar I just can't seem to get anywhere with. My hands aren't that small really but nevertheless..) 3/4 guitar for me. I like em. I don't have any specific plans for once I arrive other than a massage appointment on Sunday. Sweet jesus all of you the best advice you could ever get is to treat yourself to a massage. Save up for it if you have to, but go for one. It's the best possible thing you could spend money on to treat yourself. mm, and that Reuben man has hands the size of dinner plates..I'm going to be goo in a bucket by the end of it. I'm actually tempted to bring a CD for my enjoyment. maybe, I'm still a bit timid with it all.
The musical tunes have been busting through sharper and sharper. Which constitues even more reason to get that guitar.
I also recommend everyone to read 'Don't sweat the small stuff..and it's all small stuff' by Richard Carlson. It will make you a better human, first for your benefit and subsquently for others around you.
I'm going to go learn more about blood clots and types of death. 'TRIPOD OF LIFE!!!!"