Wah, I do not have the time or the energy to finish the 100Q NewS meme - I'm so sorry you gaiz. D:
maybe some other time, ne?
People have been asking me about my grades.
What is it with you guys and grades anyway? D: it's already the end of the schoolyear and all you can think about is grades - we all need to get lives outside of school so let's start early into summer okay? But needless to say, my grades have been plummeting down severely this year :D blame it on lack of motivation and the revelation of the futility that is better known as second year. Yes, it would all do us some good if we stopped being concerned about what grades tell us and rather focus on what we learn, because grades don't matter if you don't learn a thing.
Now meme time :D
Quiz I found on Deviant. Will probably be posting this on the
abake page afterwards. When I'm not so busy :D
1) Full Name: ADA - that's all you need to know
2) Name Backwards: coincidentally, ADA as well
3) Were you named after anyone?: A disney character.
4) Does your name mean anything?: No - since it's spelled differently
5) Nick Name(s): ADA
6) Screen Name(s): ada_a, kireineko, lurker, supahkouhai
7) Date of Birth: December 13
8) Place of Birth: Philippines
9) Nationality: Filipino
10) Current Location: Philippines
11) Sign: Taurus
(woah, seems like i've answered almost all of this in my original abake :P owell)
12) Religion: -
13) Height: ideally, 5"4, but in reality 5"1
14) Weight: most recent, less than a hundred lbs
15) Shoe Size: size 5 to size 6. I have small feet, my theory stands, small feet=small stature
16) Hair colour: Dark Brown
17) Eye colour: Dark Brown
18) What do you look like?: Ehhhhhh - I probably look like a scruffy cute little midget who can't stop bouncing around :D
19) Innie or Outie?: Outie and proud :D
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right-handed.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight 8D
22) Best friend(s): I don't believe in best friends.
23) Best friend you trust the most: Eeeh? I have this imaginary droplet friend - I guess I trust her? D8
24) Best friends {your sex}: Uhhh - this must be awkward considering I'm friendless
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: Ugh, enough with the best friends already D:
26) Best Bud(s): Is there a difference between best friends and best buds? I'm confuzzled
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Don't really know if we're bf-gf, but I have boy-friends and girl-friends :P
28) Crush: JOHNNY'S JIMUSHO (i'm such a fanwhore D8)
29) Parent(s): Geologist and Doctor :D
30) Worst Enemy: Fandom n00bs, and elitist KAT-TUN fans.
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): Andrew, Gorio XD
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): Lish, Maria, Kristy, Camcam :P
33) Funniest friend(s): Alvin Logronio FTW
34) Craziest friend(s): See Above
35) Advice Friend: Camcam, Gorio, Deo
36) Loudest Friend: Myself :D
37) Person you cry with: Uhhh, myself?
Do You Have...
38) Any sisters: I have an online nee-chan :D
39) Any brothers: One - but he's fat so he counts as two 8D
40) Any pets: April (our dachshund), two lizards, lots of stray cats and two blackbirds that poo on our car.
41) A disease: Koch's infection (treated), slight schizophrenia, insomnia
42) A Pager: Have one, don't use it. It's 2008 people, get with the times.
43) A Personal phone line: I have one, but only two people know my number XD
44) A Cell phone: Definitely - I'd die without it.
45) A Lava lamp: I actually do have one, but it's not the normal shape. It's flat like and changes colors. 8D
46) A Pool or hot tub: We have a jacuzzi and a pond - does that count? D:
47) A Car: I have a car pending and our family has 3 cars in total.
Describe Your...
48) Personality: I think I'm bipolar - definitely.
49) Driving: I'm a reckless driver. I crash myself in gocarts but I can drive stickshift pretty well.
50) Car or one you want: Anything that's light and maneuverable.
51) Room: White - Johnny's posters on the right, queen-sized bed - 7 cloesets, MESSY.
52) What's missing?: My own personal zettai kareshi D:
53) School: HELL.
54) Bed: queen-sized, with a mattress, Japanese futton on top, Nikken comforter and headrest, two pillows, a stuffed hippo and Daffy - my comfort object 8D
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Mom = bad, Dad = AWESOME.
Do You...
56) Believe in yourself: Ever since second year? No. :P
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: I do, but I don't think you realize it as soon.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: Only when it's online or on the phone.
60) Get Along with your parents: Most of the time I'm locked up in my room. I think that speaks for itself?
61) Save your e-mail conversations: Yes. They're very important most of the time
62) Pray: Yes - I pray unnecessarily sometimes :P
63) Believe in reincarnation: Supposedly, no, but I do.
64) Like to make fun of people?: Only on my blog or in my head. Yes, I am changing slowly.
65) Like to talk on the phone: Only if it's about Johnny's :P
66) Like to eat?: No. I hate eating. I wouldn't eat if I wasn't called down for each meal.
67) Like to drive: YES. I drive around the subdivision sometimes. But other than that my parents forbid me D:
68) Get motion sickness: Only after I take antibiotics :D
69) Eat the stems of broccoli?: YES. I think it's because broccoli in the Phil actually tastes good.
70) Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: Pffft, forks are for wusses. Sporks are the way to go XD
71) Dream in color: Always - I remember some colors specifically.
72) Type with your fingers on home row: Yes, I was trained to D:
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: I mentioned Daffy - My comfort object :D
What Is...?
74) Right next to you: Scanner, Tablet, Camera - All of my art materials + sketchbook and watercolor D: (I should really clean up my room)
75) On the walls of your room: Johnny's posters - Old CultureCrash posters and sketches
76) On your mouse pad: Don't use one - but I have an angel fish mousepad (cliche, I know.)
77) Your dream car: Wasn't this already asked? D8
78) Your dream date: Okamoto Keito / Ayukawa Taiyo fo shizzle. I wanna go on a beach date with them.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Japan or Thailand - preferably near the sea.
80) Your dream husband/wife: Okamoto Keito / Ayukawa Taiyo (yes, I'm going for gold lol)
81) Your bedtime: 3 am most of the time.
82) Under your bed: Keyboard, old toys, and arnis sticks 8D
83) The single most important question: What are dreams made of?
84) Your bad time of the day: Mornings - I'm not a morning person. Rarr.
85) Your worst fear(s): Being alone in the dark outside, Dying right before I'm about to do something useful D8 (I was really afraid to die when I was about to submit the HBP lol XD)
86) The weather like: I like rain and snow, but right now it's a cloudy summer night.
87) The time?: 12:31 AM right now
88) The date?: 2008.04.03.
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: I told someone that there were classes on a day when school was suspended (she was so freaked).
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: The weirdest? I like Guyabano and Durian - does that count?
91) Theme Song: Subarashiki Sekai - Arashi, WeeeeK - NewS, and Innocent - Our Lady Peace
92) The hardest thing about growing up: School and hormones
93) Your funniest experience: First Year High School - It was funny in general
94) Your scariest moment: When I dream of zombies and I just can't seem to wake up.
95) The silliest thing you've said: I think I've said a lot of silly things in my life - But the silliest so far is 'I love you'. :P
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Lol, I probably wouldn't notice so you should consult my friends on this - they'll probably have a lot to say XD
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): When we heard about someone cutting herself D: scary.
98) The worst feeling in the world: When people scold you right after you tried your best or even though you couldn't do anything about it.
99) The best feeling in the world: When the schoolyear is over and you can just chill with your friends.
100) 5 people you tag: Anyone who reads this and is willing :D