Hmmm where should I start?
Let's get the worst part over with so the entry goes easier on you as you read.
Cuz judging by the title of this entry, you already know what's coming to you.
Most Japanese Fangirls are aware of the controversial movie entitled Boys Love released I think about 2006?
Yeah, well, we all fell in love with it, didn't we?
I mean, seriously. Just the trailer got me on my toes - but not for the reason people think (yesh, I am more than just a horny fangirl, mind you D=<)
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Because if you look passed all the semi-naked scenes and listen to the actual conversation in the trailer, you see it actually has a plot, people. A PLOT. A plot that will make you tear up and crai and tear up again and then crai again. If you understand the CONVERSATION, you can see passed the scenes.
But now we have another reason to sorta hate the United States D:
Because in their release of their own trailer for the same movie - they totally deluded the whole plot of the story and turned it into pure smut.
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I mean, there's a huge difference in the text and the music alone. They totally exclude the emotional segment of the movie - because believe me, the movie is like 98% plot and only 2% smex. And American producers managed to cram all of the 2% into one measly trailer.
Great Job guys. I HATE YOU.
And in other news, NewS Lawson CMs are out 8D (no pun intended :P)
Where else in the world can you find 6 starving pop stars wandering through the wilderness in search for a convenience store? XD
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I'm telling you, Japan is pure win.
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And then more news comes that Shoon is going to be in episodes 67 and 68 of Hyakushiki, ending the 6 month monopoly of Hey!Say!JUMP on the show.
Yes, we are all happy.
Not to mention Keito's still gonna be there. Good thing - he needs more pimping Johnny, YA HEAR ME???
And then we get to the part where I am floored by Takaki Yuya and Miura Haruma in Gokusen 3, because we all know I could care less about the Kansai B.A.D. boiz, Kiriyama Akito and Nakama Junta 8D -is stoned to death-
They actually posted the special zoom-in on Gokusen 3 on youtube. Let's just hope it doesn't get deleted. :P
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Part II ||
Part III ||
Part IV There are so many parts in this zoom-in where I just can't seem to shrug this feeling off - because Takaki Yuya looks so much like a guy I know at school - I mean his aura, his facial features, the high cheek bones - it's almost scary. It's like he carries off the "I'm a bad boi, don't mess with me vibe" that this guy at school has - and I totally hate him for it, because seriously? WTF. Buy yah, I'm still watching this drama.
And as you can see, the female hosts are enjoying it as much as I am - because we all know we don't watch Gokusen for the plot - I mean, common, WHAT PLOT? It's just the same thing over and over again.
No, my friends, we over at the fandom do not watch Gokusen 3 for the plot, but rather for the little hotties that play the delinquent students. And the extras that will someday make it big (a.k.a. Mizushima Hiro)
This my friend, is the true American Japanese dream.