Positive Review of "Afterschool Special"

Jan 29, 2009 23:45

My review for tonight's SPN is under the cut.  And people who are considering shying away from this because of my last couple of reviews, have no fear, I enjoyed this ep!  There is positive-ness under the cut!

Alright, I'll start things off with stuff I actually wrote while watching the episode.  Yeah I was sitting directly in front of my TV with silencing headphones plugged into it, but I still did have my computer, haha.

Why is Dean in high school too?  Isn’t he too much older than Sam?

I love that this show is about age realism, that they know that Jensen Ackles is too old to play himself in high school!  Thank you, Show!

Little Sam is so adorable!  And his eyes!  I just wanna give him a hug or buy him some candy or something.  Yeah yeah I know he’s supposed to be 14 now, but still, so cute.

Hehe, Sam as a midget.  What a surprise that growth spurt must’ve been.

Oh no, the kids are being possessed by Brainiac!  They’re gonna start using four computers at once soon!  And then they’ll pick up Clark Kent and cackle.  And they’ll put Doomsday in a cocoon.  Okay, I’m stopping with the Smallville references now.

No wait - the kids have Maya’s “Heroes” power!  Oh no!  They’re going to inflict the show with inanity!

Oh Dean angst.  Sorry but this is clearly a Sam angst episode, I can’t waste any woobie faces on you.

“He’s cool.”  “Yeah, he thinks so.”  HAHA, Sam I love you.

Angry Little Sam is still cute.  Hehe.  Punch him in the face, Sam!  Aw… he didn’t!

“Dead Poets Society” reference?  Hehe.

Stop drinking on the side of the road!  That means you’re still going to drive and that means you could be driving drunk!

Scrappy!Sam is canon!  Yay!

Sorry Dirk the Jerk, but having a sad backstory doesn’t mean it’s okay to pick on nerds who are on antidepressants and force them to suicide.  Jus’ sayin’.

Dean comes off as such a creep sometimes.

I saw the bus and immediately thought Sam and Dean had commandeered it for some unknown reason.  I pictured Dean singing “the wheels on the bus” only adding in some inappropriate lines.

“Evil sons of bitches”?   You can’t say that to Sammy!

It gets better?  Yeah okay Sam, you had three good years and then the worst life ever.  Sam, the bully?  Uh yeah sure, cause, you know, flicking nerds’ ears, and punching Sam in the face was just your way of being friendly.

No not the face!  Not the nose!  Sam’s brains are about to go out of his ears, I hope Dean hurries.  And the gym teacher falls on him, insult to injury, dude.  Oh Dean, be nice, Sam just got his face knocked in.

So what was it that was so bad that happened to Sam there?  The punch in the face?  I don’t know, Dean didn’t seem too surprised about that.  Or did he mean Sam deciding to go to college?

Sam, honey, you’re a fugitive and you’re dead, not exactly a good idea to tell the dude your real name.


OK, deeper thoughts time.

Dean's comment about what happened to Sam in the high school had me thinking something a bit more serious than the knock to the face that was later redeemed by Sam beating Dirk.  I suppose that was just a line that was supposed to keep us from turning the channel, but srsly now Kripke, most people who watch SPN watch SPN, y'know.

Anywayz.  Every time Sam has a good moment it's followed by a sad one.  And his constant assurances that life after high school is so super-special-awesome is sad too, because that means his whole life practically sucked except for those 3 and then some he spent at college (I don't care what other ppl say, it wouldn't have been four unless he'd already graduated, and he hadn't.  Also law schools don't do interviews in the fall, but I digress).

Oh one more thing.  Dean checking out high school girls was kind of icky back in season one, but now that's he's 30?  GROSS.  And if he was just "she's hot" and not "guess which ones are legal?!" it would be less gross, but this way he's just portrayed as a pervert.  I mean seriously, is this a Japanese TV show or something?  Wait, then it would be junior high...

My deep thoughts aren't very deep.  Ah well, perhaps more later.  All in all, I enjoyed this episode.  I think flashbacks are important in Supernatural, because for 1. they hint at some things but we still don't have a full grasp on their past, and 2. their lives were weird, and I like seeing that.  Although the re-use of little Sammy was a bit odd, I mean he was portraying a 9 year old last year and now he's suddenly 14?  Yeah, I'm not buying it.  Maybe they were shooting for the "Dean raised Sam even though he's only 4 years older than him" thing to look a little more realistic - by making the age gap larger.  Though I did read somewhere that Sam was supposed to be younger-er originally, like before the show started filming.  Don't quote me on that or ask me where I read it, because I don't remember, but I mean, four years in, I think they should've gotten the age difference correct by now.

Ahh I veered into negativity!  I liked it.  I wish there were more brother-moments, and that Sam hadn't been hit in the head more times than Lana Lang in one season of Smallville (meaning he should be getting dumber, like the SV characters do, right?).  I see a future storyline!  "My concussion made me do it!"  Sam suffers brain damage following his whomping and so decides to screw this hunting bullshit and goes out and gets a job in retail.  He becomes a #1 suit salesman, marries some chick with wavy blonde hair, and has well-adjusted children all before Lilith decides 66 seals is too much work and slinks back into Hell, followed by Ruby, and Dean's angst.  Castiel and Uriel discover they're not actually necessary and so go away.  For his part, Dean realizes that he has a viable army of illegitimate children all with different aliases of his on their birth certificates, and so decides to open up a hunter training academy.  And Bobby wears a pig hat.  The end.               
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