Just watched last night's Smallville, and I have to say that I liked it. A lot.
This season has just been so on. It's been a long time coming, but Clark finally shuffling towards the role he'll have to adopt is great. I know I'm in a minority, but I like Lana, I've always liked Lana. I think she has some real mental issues that need years of therapy to work out, but there you have it. And her interaction with Clark here was great. I like seeing her being strong and not allowing Clark to coddle her. I was watching some old episodes recently, in specific the one where she starts taking self-defense courses and Clark gets all upset because he didn't want her to be confident in the face of danger because then she might get hurt! I think confidence is really exactly what she needs and deserves.
OK, back to the episode. The Legion characters were great. At first I was eye-rolling because it seems like we've heard the ole "killing is bad!" lecture so many times that it's just really aggravating. But the way it was handled here was really good, especially when Lightning Lad couldn't quite bring himself to do it. Plus, I love teamwork on Smallville, so all of them coming together to figure out a way to save Chloe was awesome, proving once again that Clark is super-powerful, but he's not a god. He can use help sometimes too.
The Clark and Lana scenes were nice. It really showed that they're moving apart but in such a way that they might be able to still be friends. I also like that she's going on to have her own destiny and will not just be left as that girl Superman had a thing for. Also, I'm into Clark/Lois this season so I would like a nice tidy break for Clark and Lana. After devoting so many years to pushing them together, a good break is necessary.
Also, the flowers on the Kent house were gorgeous. I couldn't get over that during the end porch scene. Really beautiful.
Lana's wig is ridiculous. I really wish they would just let her use her own hair. What's wrong with short hair anyway?
So yeah, I liked this episode. I liked it more than I liked Supernatural, which is sad for me, happy for Smallville!