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Nov 15, 2018 15:47

Привлек внимание заголовок  в The New Republic (звериная серьезность, однако) :
Facebook Betrayed America
(Оказывается, помимо прочих непростительных грехов, Фейсбук даже потворствовал  геноциду в Мьянме!)

В основном, это краткое изложение длинной статьи в NYT  Delay, Deny and Deflect: How Facebook's Leaders Fought Through Crisis, ссылка на которую приводится в тексте. В статье NYT встречаются любопытные пассажи, например:

In July, organizers with a coalition called Freedom from Facebook crashed a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, where a company executive was testifying about its policies. As the executive spoke, the organizers held aloft signs depicting Ms. Sandberg and Mr. Zuckerberg, who are both Jewish, as two heads of an octopus stretching around the globe.
Eddie Vale, a Democratic public relations strategist who led the protest, later said thе image was meant to evoke old cartoons of Standard Oil, the Gilded Age monopoly. But a Facebook official quickly called the Anti-Defamation League, a leading Jewish civil rights ​organization, to flag the sign. Facebook and other tech companies had partnered with the civil rights group since late 2017 on an initiative to combat anti-Semitism and hate speech online.
That afternoon, the A.D.L. issued a warning from its Twitter account.

“Depicting Jews as an octopus encircling the globe is a classic anti-Semitic trope,” the organization wrote. “Protest Facebook - or anyone - all you want, but pick a different image.” 
This entry was originally posted at https://ad-vocem.dreamwidth.org/346347.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

media, collusion, facebook, nyt, leftists, us politics

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