Mystic Artes

Nov 13, 2010 15:59

Similarly to Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia, Mystic Artes (Hi-Ougis in Japanese) are a character's "ultimate move," so to speak. When a character's in overdrive, he may use his mystic arte once in battle to deal heavy damage to his enemy. Typically, most characters will use their official mystic arte (or artes!) to deal damage, but in instances where characters don't have an official mystic arte, the player is allowed to create one on his/her own.


1. Characters must have had significant experience with Overdrives to obtain a Mystic Arte in the first place. (For OCs, this means that their character must have 7 battle logs. Canons only need 1-4, depending on their canon point; the further in the timeline he is, the less time he needs to re-acquire his Mystic Arte.)

2. Players must've gained mod approval to use the Mystic Arte in battle. [AKA, please submit the mystic arte with the form below.]

3. Participate in a training log/quest log where the character uses the arte for the first time.

4. Voila! One Mystic Arte to use for the remainder of the game! Just remember: most battles - with the exception of boss battles - will only have time for one Mystic Arte (and even then, it's overkill for some monsters).

5. In the instance where characters have multiple Mystic Artes, the long process isn't necessary, but we WILL cap Mystic Artes to 2 per character to keep things even/fair. (In the case of Rebirth characters, congratulations: you now have single Mystic Artes that don't require a canonmate.)


Mystic Arte Name:
Description/Link to Youtube Video:
Battle Logs: (link the 1-7 logs your character's had to acquire the arte)

Mystic Arte Name:
Description/Link to Youtube Video:
Battle Logs: (link the 1-7 logs your character's had to acquire the arte)

mystic artes

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