Ouin's Family Heirloom

Jan 28, 2011 12:19

Who: Jade, Luke
Where: Ad Libitum HQ (Ouin)
When: Daytime
Why: Jade is working on restoring an automaton.  Luke happens to be visiting.
Warnings: None? Uh. Excuse my fail.

Jade had grown tired of tired of sitting in a basement while working on this project. He truly feared becoming like Dist if he remained holed up with robots much longer. Therefore, to avoid such a cruel fate, he had relocated to the main area with a box full of assorted tools...and a mechanical feathered snake1 so large he could probably use it as a mode of transport. If only it had been functional, he would not have had such a difficult time moving it upstairs. Unfortunately, its size not only made it a challenge to move but also an inconvenience to anyone trying to maneuver around that general area.

The serpent appeared to be in good condition, despite having been buried underground for centuries. Still, it remained still, and its dull gray feathers lay strewn across its golden plates. And maneuvering around its immense body would simply demand too much from him. More effort than he was willing to give, anyway. Truly a welcoming sight to any newcomers, though he hoped it might attract the attention of some of his more technologically gifted members. He had left the engineering to Dist, for the most part.

Naturally, asking Dist for assistance would be about as productive as cutting off his own foot. He wasn't exactly eager to try either option, leaving him to fumble through the tool box, only to notice virtually every type of hammer, screw driver, sling shot, and drill. Only one problem: The pliers for which he was reaching was not among them. Alas, he found himself trapped by his ceremonial automaton, unwilling unable to make it back to the basement to find what he needed.

{OOC: No, not a Gundam, but at least it's supposed to be pretty? Maybe? Also, herp derp, sorry for clogging any inboxes.}
1Exalted: Wonders of the Lost Age. White Wolf, 2006. 105. 

jade curtiss, luke fon fabre, location: ouin

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