Party: Luke, Anise, Ion, Spada
Location: Blessenwood; Farm
Goal: Clear out the nuts.
Affection: ---
Status: ---
Open/Closed: ---
Warnings: Nope. Just kinda... lulzy.
Luke groaned to himself as he finally wrestled the hologram machine into the "off" position and sank down into a chair. With another groan, he pulled himself to his feet, swiped his palm across the seat, and sank down into it again.
Plik, plik, plik! More of the acorns rolled across the floor. He'd been at it all morning, helping a middle-aged man and his wife carry bucket after bucket of the nuts to a store house out back. After a while it became obvious that the store house wasn't big enough, and there was just way too much work for three people. Nuts littered the ground outside and the floors of the cottage. Nuts were stuffed under rugs and into containers, into coat sleeves and socks. Nuts had been hastily buried amid crops, and dumped into the small brook which ran through the property - making harvesting difficult.
Maybe the squirrels really did have some kind of vendetta against these people, but were rodents really that smart? Sure, fine, Mieu came up with an okay idea every now and then, but he was a cheagle. A "sacred beast".
"The whole thing's just plain weird if you ask me," Luke mused aloud, before dragging himself to his feet again.
"Right, this mess won't clean itself. Here goes nothing."