My inner Mecha Otaku has been satisfied...or my love for the PSP

Dec 18, 2005 22:34

~///Warning///~ Inner Geek is being released in this post ~///Warning///~

You have been warned

Armored Core: Formula Front (i was telling you a little about it Romako a while ago) for my one and only PSP (i love you psp!) just came out. HIGH SPEED ROBOTIC MECHA BATTLES with over 400 parts to screw up with woooo i am in nerd heaven right now. And best of all it fits in my pocket!!!11!!!!111!11one! And it has its classic Manual "i feel like kicking their robo ass personally" mode and the extremely complex build your own Artificial Intelligence to "kick their robot ass while i just sit back" mode. The amount of crap they got to tinker with is just...awesome XD. Not only that but it has plenty of flashy colors and explosions w00t! FLASHY COLORS AND EXPLOSIONS PEOPLE!!!
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