33. audio.

Feb 24, 2011 14:28

[Donny turns on the audio feed, just about to speak into it when he's distracted by a crashing sound in the background. He turns his head away from the communicator to shout:]

Hey! Simmah down back theah!

[This is then met with a French curse and then sound of something being heaved at the direction of the communicator/the person holding said communicator. There's the sound of Donny shuffling to get away, a grunt when the object hits his head, and then a choice swear word uttered away from the speaker before Donny tries this talking-into-the-communicator bidness again.]

Right. I've got Clapet. [A sigh.] Anyone else around? This place is fahkin' huuuge, so I'm gonna guess theah's one or two a-ya hanging around heah. Sound off, troops.

((ooc: This is the meetup post for Clapet's Team of Fail/Win. Spam in the comments is welcomed - with Donny or with others in the vault, should you fancy.

Donny's only going to be around for this first day or so, because he's set to die as soon as he takes three steps out of the vault. So yeah. Woo, port! :D))

my inmate wears woolen trousers too, this place looks strangely familiar, black comedy canons ftw, simmer down now

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