32. audio. please make your socks shut up

Feb 07, 2011 22:10

[Hey ho, Donny sounds a little out of his mind fed up]

Alright, alright. I can hear you already! Please, for the love of fuckin'...fuckin' Teddy Ballgame, SHUT. YOUR. FRIGGIN. PIE. HOLES.

YEAH. I'm talking to you. I know you can hear me! I don't care if you haven't been washed recently, I don't care if you're on some guy's smelly feet, I don't care if you're sitting in some closet not being used - PLEASE. PLEASE STOP TALKING TO ME. I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE ATTRACTING MOTHBALLS.

[Aaaaand insert a frustrated scream here before he shuts off his communicator.]

((ooc: Just for reference, Donny's lame superpower is having a psychic connection with things made out of wool. Your clothes are driving him insane, Barge. :|))

flood time, oh eff this noise, bear jew rages, donny has feelings

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