The Basics
• Name: Paige Noel
• Are you over thirteen? Yep!
• How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws): Shy, quiet, stubborn, opinionated, loving, kind, caring, helpful, curious, worrisome, insecure (but confident with some things), accepting, forgiving, materialistic.
• What are you passionate about? Making a difference in the world, or at least helping people in some way.
• Pet Peeves? Abuse, hate, violence, meat, politics, judgement, people making fun of others, most loudness, cell phones/texting, a lot of teenagers (even though I am one, haha...).
• What are you not so good at? Athletic activities, being a normal teenager, cooking (though I'm learning!), not being scared to be myself.
• Do you have any talents? People tell me I'm good at writing, singing, and some other things that I enjoy.
• How do you view love? I believe that people who are lucky enough to have the real deal should feel very fortunate, and love is a wonderful thing.
• Are you more trusting or more cynical of others? Cynical unfortunately, I've been let down and hurt too many times to just instantly trust someone, they have to earn it.
• How do you view friendship? I wouldn't be able to be who I am without my friends, they've given me so much strength and love, so I view friendship as a great thing.
This or That
Determined or laid back: Determined!
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive but I definitely know when to be cautious.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Mature or not so mature: Mature.
Confident or Shy: Shy but confident with some things.
Brave or Coward? Brave.
Night or Day? Night.
Home or Adventure? Adventure.
What is your style in fashion? I like girly, vintage things as well as "hippie fashion".
Are you more girly or a tomboy? Girly.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Lover or Fighter: Lover.
What are your dreams for the future? Make a difference. Change someone's (or many people's) life. Find happiness. Go on adventures.
What do you look for in a mate? I don't look for a mate.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? My appearance. I know that sounds awful but it's the cause of so many people making fun of me and giving me this awful social anxiety.
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you? Any song by The Beatles or Idina Menzel. :)
• Favorite movie she was in? For Kristin, either Bewitched or Annie. For Reese, either Pleasantville or Legally Blonde.
• Least favorite movie this actress was in? I like all of theirs, surprisingly.
• Favorite character? For Kristin, Lily St. Regis! For Reese, Elle Woods definitely.
• Least favorite character? I like all of their characters!
• Favorite outfit actress has worn in a film or on red carpet ( photos/links to pics are definitely acceptable)
For Kristin.
For Reese.
• Do you admire this actress or are you not fond of her? I adore them both, they're both two of my rolemodels and favorite actresses.
• What's your favorite couple she's been a part of (can be canon or fanon)? Why? For Kristin, Olive and Ned from Pushing Daisies, even though I prefer Chuck and Ned together I still really love Olive's love for him and the things they get into. For Reese, Johnny Cash and June Carter from Walk the Line of course! They're perfect for each other.
• Which of her character could you imagine being best friends with? For Kristin, probably Glinda from Wicked (I know that's not a movie but still). For Reese, Elle Woods!
• Which leading man of hers could you imagine being romantically involved with? Why? For Kristin, Lee Pace / Ned. For Reese, Joaquin Phoenix / Johnny.
• Anything else you feel needs to be said? Thanks for voting!
• Post your picture(s)if you want to here