Amanda Seyfriend & Meg Ryan Themes!

Apr 08, 2010 14:37

The Basics
• Name: Nikki.
• Are you over thirteen? Yes, 19.
• How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws): I'm very moralistic, I stick to my beliefs no matter what and no one can change my mine about them. I'm an old fashioned romantic although shy when dealing with it. I'm a happy type of person so it's hard to bring me down. People have said I am mature, maternal, humble, polite, friendly, and loyal as a golden retriever. My strong sense of faith has gotten my through tough times and I'm big on family. However I can also be guilt tripped easily, am sensitive, slightly impatient and a procrastinator.
• What are you passionate about? My Lord, family, love, romance, my morals.
• Pet Peeves? Rude and obnoxious people, abortion, prejudice, sexism, abuse in any form, hunters.
• What are you not so good at? Sports, math, and flirting.
• Do you have any talents? I'm a pretty good dancer and good at being there with advice for others.
• How do you view love? I love love. It should be cherished, protected, and held close. True love is hard to come by, so when you find it...don't let it go!
• Are you more trusting or more cynical of others? I'm trusting but always remain cautious.
• How do you view friendship? True friends are also hard to come by, so hold onto them. But I also think that friends can come and go but family is always there.

This or That
Determined or laid back: I'm easy-going but determined over things I'm passionate about.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious but I'll go with gut feelings.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Mature or not so mature: Mature.
Confident or Shy: Shy when dealing with guys, otherwise I'm open and friendly.
Brave or Coward? Brave, but a coward for flirting.
Night or Day? Day.
Home or Adventure? More so home, but I'd love to someday get out and see the world too.
What is your style in fashion? Very feminine and vintage; lace, ruffles, ribbons, flat ballet shoes, skirts.
Are you more girly or a tomboy? Very girly!
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted with romance, otherwise a bit more extroverted.
Lover or Fighter: Lover.
What are your dreams for the future? The usual. Graduate college, get a good nursing job, fall in love, marry, have children.
What do you look for in a mate? I like the "rough on the outside but soft on the inside type". I like loyal, honest, protective guys who can show that sweet boy side to only you. Him being religious is a plus and he should want kids.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? That I could flirt or be more outgoing when dealing with guys.
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you?
"There's only us, there's only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way. No day but today." - RENT.

THE ACTRESS: Amanda Seyfried and Meg Ryan.
• Favorite movie she was in?
Amanda- Mamma Mia!
Meg - Anastasia.
• Least favorite movie this actress was in?
Amanda - Mean Girls.
Meg - Kate & Leopold?
• Favorite character?
Amanda - Sophie from Mamma Mia!
Meg - Kathleen from You've Got Mail.
• Least favorite character?
Amanda - Karen from Mean Girls.
Meg - Probably Sally from When Harry Met Sally. Not sure though.
• Favorite outfit actress has worn in a film or on red carpet ( photos/links to pics are definitely acceptable)
Amanda -
Meg -
• Do you admire this actress or are you not fond of her?
Amanda -I admire her! She's already been in so much, is a great actress, and so young for accomplishing that!
Meg - I also admire Meg. She's so down-to-earth and I love most of her films.
• What's your favorite couple she's been a part of (can be canon or fanon)? Why?
Amanda - I haven't seen the movie but I think Channing/Amanda looked good in Dear John.
Meg- Gotta say Meg/Tom. xD Hanks and her have been in so many cute movies together that it's hard for me to picture one without the other!
• Which of her character could you imagine being best friends with?
Amanda - Both the Sophies. Aha.
Meg - Kathleen Kelly.
• Which leading man of hers could you imagine being romantically involved with? Why?
Amanda - Channing Tatum. Cutie!
Meg - Erm... No idea. Most of her leading men could be my father now, aha.

• Anything else you feel needs to be said? Thanks for voting!
• Post your picture(s)if you want to here. n/a

stamped! amanda seyfried: sophie (ltj), stamped! meg ryan: anya

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