Jul 18, 2006 02:16
Hey what's up? Anyway I'm probably just going to write some random stuff in here that has been going on currently. So well yeah.
First of all working at Seabreeze at the pizza stand from 5:00 until sucked. People who had went to the groves got these coupon things for free slices of pizza which was ridiculous. So the line for about three and a half hours was almost to The Spring, waiting for pizza and drinks and stuff. The flavor ice was not frozen including the frozen lemonade. For a while we didn't have any ice. It was hot, my hands were hot handling the pizzas, it was sweaty, it was sticky, it was greasy...man oh man.
Then when we got done closing I walked home and went to Frank's, tapped on his window and he invited me in, and I ended up sleeping over. I went home around 8:30 to get for Tricia's grandfather's funeral. Frank shortly came over and then my grandpa picked us up to take us to the church we could not find. My grandpa was kind of stressing out because we couldn't find it. He was worried because my grandma hasn't been feeling good and doesn't like leaving her alone. I feel really bad for him.
"Everything's changing..." - My brother
The funeral was...well I can't say nice because funerals aren't really nice...I guess I could say comforting. Tricia's family and her saying goodbye to their loved one. Yeah I do see that as comforting because it shows that Tricia's grandfather was not alone and that he had people he loved all around and showed of how a good of a guy he was too. I never met him on a personal level but just by the things that were said at the funeral he seemed like a great guy. Singing in the choir wasn't bad. This lady sitting next to Frank and I seemed pretty cool. We were talking to her. After the funeral Michelle, Frank, Sarah, Tanya, Natalie, Mrs. White, and I went to Tricia's grandparents' house for a reception. Tricia and her family didn't get there for a while. Anyway when they did get there we talked and stuff.
Tricia's grandparents' house is the true classic grandparent house. My grandparents' house used to be like that, well it still kind of is. But it seems after my mom died it started losing the touch: a new couch, no smell of dinner in the oven, now recently a new kitchen clock that doesn't make a ticking noise like the old one...and well it's just not the same. I mean I don't sleep over on Fridays anymore and get a movie for my grandparents and I to watch, I don't go out to eat every Friday anymore, and other stuff. I miss going sledding with my grandpa, and hiking with him. I miss all of it. It kind of sucks when you have a conversation with your brother talking about what will happen if your grandpa dies before your grandma.
So the guy Michelle is dating, Steve, is pretty cool. I think he may hook me up with a girl. That would be awesome. I thought I liked that girl in games but she's like two years older than me and is like a model, oh well. There is this other girl Kristin in food who I worked with recently who seems cool, I think I have a crush on her too, more than the other girl. She graduated from Irondequoit High School this year and seems like a party person and a drinker. I know I'm not like that but you know I suppose I could get accustomed to that...or not. But that would be awesome if I got a girlfriend this summer. I doubt that will. I just don't see me with anyone. Like from all the girls from elementary school to middle school to high none of them had ever liked me and it sucks. And if I don't find someone by the end of high school I am screwed.
"I've had great success being a total idiot." - Jerry Lewis
If I could move I would. I can not stand it in Rochester anymore. There is nothing for me. Anywhere else I go there will be a clean slate. Rochester is...well I don't even know what it is. It's a lost cause. Once a pretty cool booming city in like the 1940's and 1950's and then went down hill. I feel like that every day that I stay in this city I become more of a lost cause. One more freaking year of this crap...just one more.
Michelle told me to apply to Julliard and NYU for acting and at first I turned her idea down completely. However, I read about the audition process at Julliard and all you have to do is perform two, two minute monologues, one classical and one contemporary. I have done that before in Performing Arts and at my audition for "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Now I know Julliard wants the best and I know I'm not the best but I guess it doesn't hurt to try. Just to get called back would be awesome. Still the tuition is very very very expensive. Even to apply is costs $100. But I doubt I'd even get a callback. Hopefully Ms. Starkweather or Ms. Baker could coach me until January. I don't think Julliard looks at grades a whole lot but NYU is another story. NYU seems harder than Julliard just because I think it takes a closer look at your grades which aren't the greatest for me. Acting professionally, I would not need a girlfriend. Being someone else every night, I wouldn't have time to be myself anyway. Who knows what will happen.
"To grasp the significance of life is the actor's duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it is his dedication."
- James Dean
Okay cya.