(no subject)

May 09, 2011 18:47

Truth be told, I'm gonna miss Professor Anderson being all fusty and knowledgeable and slightly old-fashioned and starting his lectures with "Okay, gang."

Also, I am experiencing a sudden rush of nostalgia for ElfQuest, and for some reason this time I want to find me some motherfucking Go Backs. That comic got me through tough times twice - it's always going to be special for me, issues aside. And it should have tipped me off to a few things. Yeah, twelve-year-old Jys, I'm sure you spend that much time looking at pictures of Nightfall because you want to be pretty like her. Riiiight. At that age I had hair down to my waist, and there are a few pictures in this world of me with it done up like Kahvi's.

I had a dream last night about being in a psych ward, and when they were going through my things they kept trying to take my Cardassia pin off of my sweater (because of the pointy bit), which upset me a lot. So I kept coming up with appropriately therapeutic-sounding reasons why I should be allowed to keep it, like "It's a very good grounding tool!" It's pretty funny in retrospect, so the dream itself bothered me more than the content.

mood:nervous, academics, comics, dreams

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