Well, that was exciting

Feb 17, 2011 17:22

I ended up in the emergency room last night, for who-the-fuck-knows reason. Symptoms were: extreme dizziness, head full of noise, muscle cramps, pins and needles, shaking, extreme nausea, and me turning hysterical every time I tried to communicate something. My professor and TA noticed me when I was basically curled up in my seat trying to figure out if I was going to be able to stand up to go home after class, and very kindly gave me a ride back, and encouraged me to go to ER. We were there for about two and a half hours, during which they determined that it was not Risperdal withdrawal, and I spent a lot of time in the waiting room crying on sedvictacatoni's shoulder. In the end, they gave me some ungodly amount of Ativan - all I know is that when I took it I promptly wanted to keel over and go to sleep, which was a general improvement over my previous state - and sent me home with a scrip and instructions to call my doctor. And given how much our HMO sucks, no idea when I'll be hearing back from her. Since Risperdal is apparently not supposed to have withdrawal symptoms... the cause is still unknown. I was guessing it was that since going off the night before was the only change I had had recently. Hopefully I will be able to follow their instructions and be fine.

My professor, apparently, remembers me. From a lecture class a year and a half ago. I was pretty impressed. (Maybe I did write a really kickass research paper after all. *preens*). Rather unfortunate that I had to find that out when I was curled up in his passenger seat, but oh well. I also... am getting a vibe the my TA is somewhat new to the subject? At least in that she really disagreed with something that I thought was the case, and well-known to be so. Basically, we were discussing whether the state shutting off the Internet (nation-wide, as Egypt and Iran have) would be considered a human rights violation. I argued that it was tantamount to shutting down a newspaper, and she said she wasn't sure that that counted, either, since they weren't forbidding speech, they were merely shutting down the forum. And I am pretty fucking certain that the state shutting down a newspaper because they don't like the content it's disseminating is a human rights violation. But I didn't have evidence on hand to back up my position, and I don't like going up against authority figures on something that's "just my opinion."

I have also, at long last, been bitten by the sudoku bug. People - particularly my mother - have been recommending it to me for years, which brought about a pretty good case of hype backlash. However, it's quite fun! I am using an application on my iPod, which saves having to rub out mistakes over and over, which helps. It also saves having to pay for the damn things. (I went through puzzle books really fast as a kid. They had to be rationed).

listening to:bob seger, education, health, mood:okay, me

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