got the sneezes

Nov 01, 2012 14:38

I have the sneezes pretty bad right now. I think the leaves I had to rake in the Barred Owl cage got it started. I filled 8 grocery bags with leaves just in there and one in Bob O's cage too. I had to make several trips back to rehab to get more bags. I'm using a garbage bag for leaves next week. My dad and I took a nice hike after I finished at the raptor center. We hiked for an hour and went down by the lake. He was showing me trails to walk on so I have variety and don't have to just walk in the trailer park or the big neighborhood nearby all the time.

I got more of that sneezy feeling while dad and I made dressing balls for tonight's pitch in at church. They had lots of onions and pepper in them. I watched dad make two big pans of them, so I know what goes into them now.

Rudy hasn't been feeling well this week. He has his never ending molt, and he's been sleeping a lot while he grows new feathers. Mom has been gone too, and I think he misses her. I gave him scrambled egg this morning which he loves. Nigel has been making enough noise for both of them though. He's been really friendly lately, and he always wants to come out.

cleaning, budgies, food, raptor center

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