May 17, 2012 13:20
(Monday's post, I thought LJ had eaten it.)
I got to do enrichment first today. The eagles got tennis balls, and the corvids got grapevine to play with. I also found out what the ground cover with five leaves is. It is virginia creeper. I'm glad it isn't poison oak which also has five leaves. I also learned that sweet gum is harmless so I could give to to the budgies if I wanted to.
I watered the birds basically in the reverse order today because of enrichment. Then I went walking on the trail for a while. They were training with Oshem the Turkey Vulture, and she was fascinated with me for some reason. She wanted to follow me instead of her trainer so they let her and they walked with her while I walked ahead. She got as far as the the osprey cage on the boardwalk before they took her back. They took her back, and I went the other way. I walked for a while, and then I came to a big snake blocking the trail. I turned around again and ran in to someone who said it was a copperhead. She then sent me to get someone to remove it so I did.
I go to the doctor tomorrow. I took a sleeping pill last night and got a good night sleep, but I'm still tired and exhausted and have little energy.
(Today's post)
Nothing much happened today. I've been to the doctor and been prescribed melatonin, which insurance didn't cover so I bought some over the counter. I had blood tests for hormones and thyroid, but I won't hear any results until Friday.
The budgies were cute today. Nigel sat on my mom's shoulder and she didn't know it wasn't Rudy until she looked. Rudy flew off when Nigel landed.
Dad put rhubarb into one of my squares in my garden today, and there are squash seeds for me to plant.
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