Jun 29, 2005 21:58
I'm at home, doing nothing like usual. Angeline's in Chicago so I am stuck here and Kyle is in Houston and all Brian does is work, crazy guy, haha. So yeah, I need a vacation. I havent left this woen in like 2 years but I don't know where to go. I might ask Brian to see if I can go to Dallas with him if him and Kyle end up not taking that road trip. I don't care if it is money I don't have, this town is crap. I already know for sure that I am going to the Austin City Limits festival Sept. 23-25 for sure. It's a 105 bucks for a 3 day festival and it's a lot but I will have my money back from school by then, so hit me up if any of you all want to go. The website is www.aclfestival.com. (sorry link not working) But thats about all, Simpsons are about to come on so will talk to you all later.