life is a gift

Mar 15, 2008 23:20

In all the coverage of the NIU, Louisana, Virgina Tech, Lawrence King (each of which deserves their own separate entry), no one raises the obvious. This has to stop. It isn't enough that it's front page news. It isn't enough that murder is a crime, with strict punishments. Quite frankly, the NRA is full of shit. There is no, and can be no right to bear arms. Why? The constitution is not a suicide pact.

At the time of the constitution's creation, the government was abusing its power, and theoretically the only way to liberate it was via warfare, by a few revolutionaries. This isn't the case anymore, and if you think it is, remember we have an election coming up. A peaceful election. We are no longer taxed without representation.

As a pacifist, I will point out that Canada negotiated its autonomy under the British North American Act. (I will provide citations and clarifications if requested.) It took years, but it worked.

Gun control is about keeping guns out of the hands of children. (Most of whom get them from their parents or relative.) Of people with mental illnesses. (who apparently get them online. There is however no requirement that hospitals put such information in the background check database.. and I should expand on that in a later post.)

It has to stop. It is unacceptable. It is not "just a tragic accident." It is the deliberate selling and manufacture of guns for use by people who do not understand self-defense, and supported by legislators who don't understand it either.

Want self-defense? Program 911 on speed dial.

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