(no subject)

Dec 28, 2007 22:25

I have some new ideas for Gloucester. But more importantly, I have a grip on my pain. I do. The tingling is a clear sign of TMS. My anxiety is probably performance related. The tarot card reading undoubtedly weighs in my thoughts. I have experienced the seperation of family, the seperation of myself from friends, felt acutely over the holiday season. I have sent what one of my gurus once called "30 e-mails" which are now "30 facebook" messages, and I rarely get a reply.

What was Gloucester feeling? Unlike Lear, he believes he has power, and tries to exercise it; not much, but he does what he can.. Reassuring the King, and later attempting his rescue. His emphasis on what is "natural" -- both in terms of unruly, and also naturally ordered, lead me to some interesting staging suggestions.

As for me, I can be anybody I want to be. And that it seems causes a great deal of difficulty.

I do not have to, nor can I take this all at once. Any transition that must happen must happen slowly, or my health and the health of my endeavors will be destined to fail.

Lastly, what would Hamlet say? He would say the opposite. The readiness is all, and a man's life no more than to say one. But I am very sorry, Good Horatio, that to Laertes, I forgot myself. For by the very image of my cause, I see the portaiture in his. But, alas, I will not court his favors.

And that makes all the difference.
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