meme catch-up, again

Mar 30, 2011 23:26

Sorry for the monster meme posts -- I keep forgetting to do these.

day 11 - put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
Depeche Mode -- "Personal Jesus"
Värttinä -- "Äijö"
Dufus -- "Neuborns"
Woods Tea Co. -- "Speed the Plow/Mason's Apron/Devil's Dream"
Flight of the Conchords -- "Foux Da Fa Fa"
King Missile -- "Mystical Shit"
Duke Ellington -- "That's the Blues Oldman"
They Might Be Giants -- "Your Racist Friend"
Splashdown -- "I Understand"
R.E.M. -- "Fall On Me"

Hmm, that's actually not a terrible representation of what I listen to.

day 12 - bullet your whole day.

I don't remember well enough what I was doing on the actual day 12, so I'll do today.
* Woke up at 6:30, showered, poked around on the computer, realized I didn't have time for breakfast
* Drove an hour to work
* Taught some kids about the monsoon, the caste system, and the war in Afghanistan
* Cleared out some stuff in Google Reader
* Taught the monsoon/caste/Afghanistan lesson again
* Met with my advisee to help him pick classes for next semester
* Taught some other students about the history of bushfire management in Australia
* Finished my powerpoints for my East Asia and Southeast Asia lessons -- boo yeah, I am king of the world. (I was really worried about whether I'd get these finished in time because of all the other stuff I have going on)
* Got destroyed by cheyrae in Facebook Scrabble. (We were neck-and-neck the whole game, until she spelled "QI" on a triple word score for 33 points as her last move.)
* Got stuck in horrible construction traffic on the way home
* Ate some pierogies
* Went to Obscure Games and played "Revolucion!" This is an awesome game where you start out playing Monopoly by normal capitalist rules, but you can change the government system to Communism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy, Welfare State, or Anarchy.
* Picked up crankyliberal and her friend Steve from improv class.
* Wrote this meme.

day 13 - somewhere you’d like to move or visit.

I want to go back to Australia. Last time I was there, I spent too much time holed up in my room trying to stay warm while reading about environmental ethics. I want to get out and explore the Sydney area more.

day 14 - your earliest memory.

I'm honestly not sure what my earliest genuine memory is. There are so many stories from my childhood that I've heard told so many times that I have constructed mental pictures of, which thus feel like real memories. Maybe it was the time our septic tank burst, and my brother and I played in the mud in the backyard for an hour or so before we found out what it was.

day 15 - your favorite tumblrs.

I don't understand the point of Tumblr.

day 11 - a song from your favorite band

Värttinä: "Päivän Nousu Nostajani"

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day 12 - a song from a band you hate

Wham!: "The Wham! Rap"

Oh darn, YouTube won't allow me to embed the video. So sad.

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure

Lipps, Inc.: "Funkytown"

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Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to love

When I worked at the Dispatch, the copy desk chief told me to make sure that in the story about a certain plane crash, the headline mentioned that one of the people killed was a member of Chuck Mangione's band. He said "you don't know who that is, but people in my generation will care." And I thought "dude, I own one of his albums!"

Chuck Mangione: "Children of Sanchez"

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Day 15 - A song that describes you

A lot of the time I feel like Jemaine's character in this song.

Flight of the Conchords: "Jenny"

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