The Dream Series: Christine and Remy

May 11, 2009 16:13

The Dream: The Series.... a series of dreams a young woman left to be unnammed writes out for others to view her a little closer. She will always follow under the surname Christine unless otherwise noted.

It was Friday night and Christine was tired, hopefully tomorrow won't be as crazy she thought to herself. Before she knew, she was out.

They were going to play basketball before she left for California. The two young women had only met back in January at a training and now it was May. They hung out Thursday night and planned to meet Friday to hoop that morning. Christine sat at her apartment waiting on Remy to arrive; Remy was on the bus riding over from her place as the basketball court was across from Christine’s residence.

Christine was petite, but not skinny by any means. She had a natural aura that she took with her always letting her presence be known. She only stood five foot nothing with a milk chocolate complexion and thick in thighs, while with her personality she was small by no means. Christine was lying in the bed waiting for Remy as she knew it would be a while before she arrived and wanted to wait until the last possible minute to have to get up. While she lay there, she thought of Sam (he was one her of best-friends and was going to be leaving for optometry school tomorrow) and how she still was crushing on him yet never told him. She grew warm inside at the thought of him right then. In that same moment the phone rang and Chris hopped out of the bed through on some PJ pants, brushed her teeth, and headed out to go meet Remy at the bus stop.

Remy would have been said by most to be the complete opposite of Christine, but somehow these two were starting to build a friendship as their senior year of college came to an end. Remy stood around 5’6 with dark blonde hair. A woman with few curves but beautiful none-the -less. She was shy yet spoke her mind when comfortable. She lived on the other side of town with her girlfriend. Remy was an interesting character to Christine and Remy knew this. While on the bus, Remy thought to herself why am I going to play basketball, “I suck,” she accidentally blurted out loud the end of her thought, but thankfully no one heard her.

She hopped off the bus at the stop Christine told her to, and sure enough Christine was standing there; PJ pants, flip flops, a white beader with no bra, and a big smile. Remy smiled back. They walked back to Chris’s place so Chris could change. Remy watched Christine’s hips sway as Chris walked and talked about her boy drama of the week. Christine was surely a black woman, curvy, and took pride in her flat stomach. They soon reached Chris’s place.

They came in and Christine felt the need to give Remy a tour even though Remy was leaving Tuesday to California and by the time she would get back, Chris would be living somewhere else. Nether- the-less they walked around, met Michelangelo the turtle, and laughed.

While in Christine’s bedroom she stood pointing out a painting she did while Remy sat on the bed. Christine was a pretty random young woman and jumped to the next thought in her mind. “Hey, I better get changed so we can hoop, man I can hear someone dribblin’ the ball now, I’m like a moth to the flame with dat hoop,” Christine spoke with her Cleveland accent as if she ruled the world. Remy stood to give Chris some privacy, but before she new it Chris already pulled her PJ pants off and was standing there in her boy shorts underwear and beader still talking about nothing.

Remy smiled and tried to look away but kept turning back anyway. She sat back down and admired Christine’s slender upper half and thick thighs. Christine caught the look and Remy hadn’t noticed the smile on Chris’s face. Christine was a flirt in every aspect of the word and soon thought about how she made it four years in college yet she was still a GOGV. Which she had no problem with being one, but she was now a bit more curious as the opportunity just presented itself once again.

Christine threw on her favorite red and black hoop shorts and Remy began to talk about how bad she sucked at basketball. “Chris, you wanna just watch a movie or something, ~haha~, I really do suck,” Remy stated still trying no to stare. Chris was ignoring her as she was deciding to test the waters.

“Oh, duah, I need a sports bra, these dang C’s are gonna bust my ribcage if I don’t, I swear sometimes they're getting bigger,” Chris chuckled as she spoke being the super outspoken person she was.

Before Remy knew it Christine had took her white beader and threw it on the bed next to her. She gasped and turned to look at it, knowing if she looked up she’d see the fullness of Chris’s breast merely a foot away from her. She loved her ‘old lady’ as she called her girlfriend. But it was almost as if this was taunting her.

Chris was standing to the right of Remy and her sports bra was on the bed to left. Chris stretched across right in front of Remy to reach for it and almost fell. Remy put her right hand on Christine’s left side to help with support. The smooth skin and fragrance of Christine shot a shiver through Remy.

“My bad yo, I’m so in your personal circumference, thanks for not letting me fall, you’d think I know the cord was there by now. Especially seeing as I live here” Chris said with an oh so innocent smile.

“Um, you’re fine,” Remy stumbled over her words a bit, “it’s your room, and I’m all in the way….. but I have to admit Christine, you are half naked in front of me” she continued but now with more confidence in her words, “and you know I’m gay” Remy finished her statement now placing her left hand on the small of Christine’s back.

Chris smiled, “You say that like I care, I change wherever, and my room is usually where people tell me to go” she stated plainly as she now stood between Remy’s legs shirtless.

Remy dropped her hands, “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to be in your bubble either, but,” she paused still looking from Chris’s eyes to her round full milk chocolate breast and back to Chris’s eyes’ again, “man, I….” she just trailed off not wanting to scare Chris.

Christine jumped in the bed behind Remy and was lying down now just staring at the ceiling. “Remy, I’ve never….” She paused, making sure to be careful with her words, she wanted this now, but refused to initiate it as she was a stubborn one, “everyone needs a little milk chocolate in their life” she finished her statement, now changed. She smiled as Remy turned around catching the emphasis Chris had put on the words milk chocolate.

Remy turned half way around, now with her left foot on the ground still and her right leg bent at the knee up in the bed. She took her right hand and rubbed the left side of Chris’s stomach slowly. She wanted so bad to just go ahead, but she knew to be gently as she had the opportunity to glance into Chris’s past with previous conversations.

Chris smiled, check and mate, she thought to herself. Christine felt the warmth between her legs begin to grow wet again. Chris was always one to get wet fast and stay wet. After talking to her friends and realizing she was one of few females who had what some guy called female cum.

As Remy’s hand moved to Christine’s left boob; Remy leaned in and whispered just loud enough for Chris to barely hear her, “you sure, ‘cause I want to, but if you don’t,” she was interrupted by Chris’s hand grabbing the back of her neck. Remy took this as a yes and gently brushed her lips with Chris’s. Remy then climbed all the way in the bed, one leg twined between Chris’s legs. She kicked her shoes off and looked at Christine full of desire.

Christine felt the heat in her body rise, was she really going to do this? What happens afterwards? Then she thought, well, what the heck, just as Remy leaned in for another kiss.

The kiss grew greedy and Chris’s tongue forced its way into Remy’s mouth as Chris was an amazing kisser. Their kisses were hungry for each other and soon they were out of breath. They paused and then Remy pulled her shirt off. Her pale skin intrigued Chris, this was different from her mostly black hometown back in Cleveland and everyone here seemed to look more like Remy. Chris was glad Remy wasn’t the tanning type, the idea of tanning drove Chris insane.

Remy slowly slid down to Christine’s neckline and placed soft kisses on her collarbone. She then let her hand trail down to Chris’s hips, soon finding her mouth on Christine’s right tit. Chris moaned at the anticipation of what was about to happen. So many thoughts were in Chris’s mind at that moment. This felt so good, but this wasn’t right, she wasn’t a lesbian- was she misleading Remy, Remy had a girlfriend, she loved Sam (and was hard crushing on a bunch of other guys at the moment), her religion, but my how this felt so good ...she gave in. Their sweet moment was over; they both could feel there warmth growing with burning desire, so the pace of their events quickly caught speed.

Remy slid the hoop shorts off Christine so fast, it was like she was a pro, and then the boy shorts quickly followed. She slid her hand down and barely felt any hair, her eyes soon stole open from the kissing session they were in…she looked down. Remy smiled at the trimmed diamond shaped hair cut Chris had. Immediately turned on now more than before; her right hand soon found Chris’s warmth and her fingers played at its entrance. Chris moaned even louder than before and then let out a whisper, “Remy I’m yours.”

Christine scooted up on the bed to give more access to herself. Remy took the invitation as they were speaking to each other in their own private language. Her tongue slid down from Chris’s breast all the way to Chris’s heat. Chris moaned as Remy knew exactly how to do this the way a woman liked, after all, she’s one herself. Remy realized it been a long time since she had seen a vagina so wet and it wasn’t even pink.

Remy’s tongue slid in and out and all around. She ate Chris out like the world was about to end, she wanted Chris’s first time with a woman to be great and memorable. Christine’s legs began to tremble as she rounded her orgasm. Remy thought she’d be suffocated at the tightness in Christine’s legs as she came. Remy began to make her way back up sucking every inch of Chris’s torso as she did so. Christine began to leak. She soon found her hands roaming Remy’s body.

Remy took this as a take your shorts off invitation as their silent language continued. They were in deep hungry kisses when Christine’s hand found its way to Remy’s warmth. She was wet. Christine thought about it, and then soon began rubbing the entrance with her fingers belonging to her left hand. She didn’t want to be the only one getting something out of this. Not knowing that Remy enjoyed going down on her. Her middle finger slid inside, followed by her index. Remy moaned into Chris’s mouth. Chris didn’t usually use this technique on herself, but knew it from her unspoken past.

Soon after the moments of this pleasure, Remy’s orgasm reached its peak while Christine’s hand slid to the back of Remy’s neck and the other to Remy’s hair. They rolled around together. Remy soon found Chris’s wetness on her leg. Chris was still ready to go? Remy thought to herself. Hmm, she thought again; her hand slid down now that she was back on top of Chris. Chris’s warmth wrapped around Remy’s two fingers convulsing. The sensation drove them both wild. Chris soon came again. Now both sweating and satisfied, they smiled as Remy’s head fell and rested on Chris’s breast.

They were soon startled as Chris’s timer cut the TV on. TBS had a Scienfield marathon on. It was a good thing they had just finished their wonderful events of the afternoon, as Christine hated Scienfield and this would’ve surely ruined the mood. They both laughed as they knew this was the case. Christine hopped up.

“Shower? Or hoop?” Christine asked standing in her birthday suit, never one to be shy about her body or much else for that matter.

Remy chuckled, “Lets hoop, then you can shower.”

They played ball for only a half hour as they were both kind of tired as thoughts of what just happened poured into their mind. They went back inside and Chris offered the shower again. Remy was oblivious the first time that she meant she could join. She stood there for a moment in shock. Then Remy started to take her clothes back off as she followed Christine into the bedroom to the bathroom and joined Christine in a shower. They repeated most of the events that happened about an hour before. Got dressed and Remy headed out, still in awe of what had just happened. Meanwhile, Christine was lying on the couch thinking I can’t believe what I just did.

“Hey Jamie,” Remy said as her phone rang startling her on the bus, “um, yeah, we had a good game, I’ll be home soon and talk to you then.” Remy didn’t even think about this until now. And Jamie (her girlfriend) didn’t even know that she had previously invited Christine out to visit in California before today’s events even occurred. She decided she wouldn’t tell Jamie as time was too critical now and she knew Christine was straight and wouldn’t be spreading the word of what happened, they didn’t even hang in the same circles, so it should be okay, for now.

Christine looked over at the Tv, rubbed her hand over her face and woke up in her bed. She laughed, whoa what a dream. I need to text my friend Denna and tell her this one.


dreams, anasia, friend, remy, christine, gogv

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