Sep 01, 2009 14:10
A few things to note:
-Working seems to be the bane of my time-oriented existence. I don't know why I've been so driven to get in hours on top of hours lately. Well, yes I do: I want to be able to support myself next year and right now is my best chance to get my foot well in the door. Done.
-I still have no real 'home'. Scratch that, my 'home' is my car, Mikhael. For the time being, I'm fine with that...and I think it will remain that way given the fact that my apparent 'room mate' is essentially a ghost. Scratch that, is a ghost. That makes things a little difficult.
-After about 5 months of dealing with the oh so effective Financial Aid office at DU, I have my 'award' and....I can afford to graduate!!! I don't know how yet, but I do know that it will done now. It is within the realm of possibility.
-I feel 'on the outside'. I suppose I'm alright with that.
-Nothing is at all the same. Nothing. Nor will it ever be that way again.
-Ash and I leave Thursday for my 45th vacation of this summer that has seemed like a year. It will be nice, because after that, he will be gone before I know it. Then I've really lost a significant piece of what is important and meaningful to me here in Denver.
-I think I agree with Amy much more than I'd like to let on.
-I'm still optimistic as ever, but, honestly: Fuck this shit.
That is all....