Jan 11, 2005 19:25
Well, Cabaret is starting. I got my script yesterday I haven't read all of it yet, but I'm still kinda bummed I didn't get the part. I try to keep face in front of Phil (he got it), but I can't help but seem a twinge bitter. In any case, they were working with the prostitutes so needless to say, I wasn't needed. My first official rehearsal is tomorrow (and I hafta sing the whole time...jeebus!). And that's only the FIRST of my worries!
Today I went to Torrance Memorial for orientation to do escort services (essentially, a go-for). I go in again on Thursday to end orientation and see the results of my TB test. Yet another thing to add to the pile...
Sixth period kinda sucked today too. Mr. Steiner, our band director, started off the period by chastizing me for getting ready too slowly (it's my second day, so sue me!). Then I was off on the wrong foot at warm-ups (played out of turn...once again, it's just my second day!) and I played too loudly during our piece, Centuria (he stopped the whole thing just for me and we started back at the beginning!). Then, he made me take a test on the song by playing it alone in front of the class! Icing on the cake, my friends, icing on the cake.
And I haven't even gotten into the blind date!!! It's been slated for Monday, seeing as we don't have school. Oh God...a date. I've never been so terrified. I'm aware that the person who arranged this has a good track record, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm dreading the day. I'm starting to think I've been out of it for so long (courtesty of Amy) that I'm gonna be all retarded.
Then there's also Certificate of Merit and finals coming up! I need a miracle! My trademark nod of 'yes' has turned into a dispearing shake of 'no' (that's always a bad sign). Well, I gotta run. I'll write again soon.