00. // APP.

Aug 02, 2009 15:54

Character: Claire Stanfield. (aka Vino; the Rail Tracer; Felix Walken.)
Series: Baccano!
Character Age: ~20.
Canon: So I herd you liek jazz, guns, and liquor. Maybe you should consider joining one of the New York mafia gangs. Of course, if it's one of the many featured in Baccano!, you may find more than just roofies in your drink. A non-linear jumble of events mainly focusing on the 1930s, the series follows an alchemical elixir of immortality and the lives of those who drink it, sometimes unknowingly, as well as their friends, family, and Family. Claire Stanfield is as mortal as they come, but after being raised by mafia, then running away to literally join the circus, much of his life has been spent learning how to deal, and avoid, death. By day, Claire is a mild-mannered conductor. By night, he is Vino, the legendary assassin that travels across America, gruesomely killing anyone who violates his twisted sense of justice. The nickname, 'wine' in Italian, come from his tendency to revel in torture and gore &mdash usually there's not much left of his victims.

When he's not causing murderous havoc while covered in a mask of blood, Claire contains the crazy enough to seem like a fairly normal guy; friendly enough, with a tendency to ramble to anyone around, and quite blunt. He claims he doesn't have a very strong imagination, despite his clever fighting tricks, and therefore cannot imagine himself dying. Add in an unhealthy dose of solipsism, and Claire truly believes he's one of the Immortals - so far, no-one's been able to prove him wrong. Believing the rest of world is a movie playing out in his head makes Claire a little self-centred, but really he's a romantic. Once he found the woman he believed was his One True Love, a mute terrorist named Chane with a penchant for knives, he became devoted to her... despite the fact that they'd only met a couple of days ago, in a fight on top of a train.

Sample Post:
The name of this place is a bold threat. Is that "you" meaning me? If so, I believe you're going to be disappointed, Camp Fuck You Die. You'll find it impossible to kill me, you see; I have confidence that the world has every intention of keeping me alive, despite this new twist in the plot. My imagination may have surprisingly stretched to conjure up this snow and you sad, shambling creatures, but not far enough for me to suddenly believe in my death. Ah, but it could be a "you" that is all-inclusive, of course... in which case you will be disappointed again! Such murderous intent, threatening the innocence of the youths who go camping? I wouldn't be able to forgive it.

But perhaps, instead of a horror, let's make this a romance! If I described someone to you, could you tell me where I could find them? I'm looking for a woman; a beautiful young woman by the name of Chane. No, Chaaaaaane, not braaaains. ...Hm? Silence from all of you? Is it that you don't know? Or perhaps you're trying to withhold the information. If it's the latter, I'd think again. I guess so far you haven't really provoked me, even though you attacked me, earlier, without even knowing my name. Which could understandable, since at the moment I'm still deciding what it is. Ah, but you stink of death, so the evidence is against you, right? It makes you look like the kind of guys who need to be taught a lesson.

Haha, don't look so scared! I don't really kill people as much as I used to. Still, you'd better speak up! Even if I let you live, I can think of some interesting ways to make you talk. I know you're probably not intimidated by that now, since some of you look like you already crawled out of your own graves. But I know methods of torture designed for people whose nerves have long gone dead. The sight of your bones pushing through the skin. Starvation, and food held tantalisingly out of reach. Or I could pop your eardrum with a fine needle. Ah, and being buried alive, suffocation, or maybe the horror of watching your companions eat your flesh. The way the blood rushes to your head when you've been dangling upside-down for hours. Have you felt it before? That building looks tall enough. I think I could find a rope, if you'd like to try.

Refraaaaain? If you want me to spare you, just tell me where I can find my love. She doesn't really speak at all, but she's deadly. You'd know her; she'll have made a real splash here. Plus, I bet she's been trying to find me. Aaah, I- I love the way she can be demanding without saying a word...

Ehhh, the laaaaaake? Well, ah, if you say so.


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