May 29, 2007 23:37
shrek 3 is terrible. don't even bother wasting your money on it. it's a joke. the ONLY, and i mean ONLY, good thing about the movie is that damien rice has a song in there. 9 crimes. it's amazing. BUT they didn't put it on the soundtrack. fuckers.
pirates 3 was pretty good. my only real complaint is that it became a bit muddled and confusing after a while. i mean when you have a good 10 characters that all have their OWN agenda...and you're trying to follow all of them at once...a bit much guys. but geoffry rush is the best pirate of all time. he has the best laugh.
spidey 3 is old news...didn't love it, didn't hate it. wanted more venom. less cheasy shit. but still enjoyable.
life has been good lately. REALLY good the past 2 days. with the exception of working at american eagle...i have no complaints. i only have 10 workdays left at ae though, so it's not even worth getting pissed over. washington dc this weekend. my sisters grad party in 2 weeks. jamboree 2 weeks after that. then ENGLAND!