Jul 14, 2009 07:07
So random tidbit. Other than my new obsession with posting. I listen to a lot of music, I have a million albums. Some are mine, some are my friends. So I have yet to listen to every song. I heard a new one(I think) from my friends collection of They Might Be Giants I ripped onto the computer. I'm lazy and I just rip everything before listening which is how I end up with a song that is 980 beats per minute. That was painful. Anyway the song is called The Bells Are Ringing. It's happy, fun, interesting, until you pay attention to what they are saying. that could be a horror movie. And I'm willing to write it goddamn. I think a few people are starting to read, no comments yet, but you should check out this song and LISTEN CAREFULLY.
they might be giants,