We got a late start on things today, 10:30AM. We were delayed by laundry because certain people didn't bring enough clothes for the entire trip while certain other people did. Anyway!
Today was the day to be just like any other tourist. We decided to hit Waikiki which is where pretty much all of the visitors stay unless they're staying in someone's home. Waikiki has a very disney-like feel to it in that it is nothing more than a huge tourist trap. Sure, it has the sandy beaches and the 45 story buildings... and the scantily clad females but that's about all it has going for it. It's extremely crowded and most of the tourists are from Japan or other Asian islands with very few speaking English. In all honesty, it wasn't that wonderful. In fact, I probably would have been disappointed with Hawaii if all I had done was stayed on Waikiki like so many tourists do.
We started the morning at Borders to pick up some new books to read. I picked up a new pair of headphones since I broke a pair on the way over here. We also made a stop at the Hawaiian Ukulele shop where we continued our quest to find Sid a Uke. Lunch was at the infamous Don Ho's restaurant. I say infamous because it certainly did not deserve to be famous. The location was nice but the food and service were just plain bad. It was essentially designed as a lunch stop for all of the Japanese tour buses and nothing more.
After lunch we headed to the main district of Waikiki. We went in to all of the famous old hotels going back to the 1920s. Waikiki, surprisingly, has quite a rich history. We also went to the open air international market where I had my first authentic Hawaiian shaved ice. They had a food court at the market and it had a sushi place. Imagine, a food court sushi place. I was quite shocked... it just seemed far too low-key for sushi. After that, we also took a walk down the (extremely packed) beach. Waikiki isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Today's pictures:
http://www.directns.net/gallery/monday/ I was looking forward to talking to tango this evening. Yet when I returned home from our day of adventure on Waikiki, she had already gone to bed. That left me quite disappointed... although tomorrow promises to be different. We shall see!
Hawaii picture of the day:
Waikiki is the land of the tourist.
I can still remember,