1 [ AUDIO / ACTION ] The Running of the Bulls

Sep 06, 2010 15:53

[ It starts off normal enough. There's some beeping sounds like someone is toying around with the PokéGear and there are the usual questions, "Where am I?" "What is going on?" Then there's the sound of someone rummaging through a pack and you hear even more questions. ]

These aren't my clothes! What is this? Ah, is there a map in here? Is this food? Ah! What a nice lady; she gave me a lunch! Ah, I was so tired of ship rations. . . Hm? ¿Qué es esto? A ball? Is this supposed to be a tooooyaaaaaaaaaaaye!

[ There is a roar. For those of you who might be familiar with the sound, its the roar of a Tauros, specifically one about to charge.]

Ah, what are you? Are you supposed to be a bull. . . ?

[ There's the sound of something hitting the ground (hoofs), a snort, and another roar.]

What are you. . . ?

[ Now, cue more loud noises and the roaring. Folks, this is the sound of a Tauros charging at Spain. This is also the sound of Spain running. Fast. ]

¡AYE! ¡No, no! Toro! No! Stop! This isn't nice! TORO! STAY! SIT! ¡TORO! WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?!

[ For the next five and a half minutes, you will hear Tauros charging and roaring and Spain yelling and running. For those of you in New Bark Town, you will have the pleasure of watching Spain run with bulls for his life in circles around town. Finally, he comes back to the front of "mom's" house and he proceeds to throw EVERYTHING HE CAN AT TAUROS IN HOPES THAT HE WON'T BE GORED. In the process, he throws the pokeball and Tauros disappears but he keeps throwing things for some time until he realizes the monster is gone. ]

A-ah. . . ? Is it over. . . ?

# is it over, # toro, # sit stay roll over, # is this a toy?, # i am alive, # la corrida, # introduction, # running of the bulls

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