Oh some guy he stabbed must have had a pacemaker or something. Front photos off of Stacy's SLR and common drive.
Fugazi, modest mouse, the smiths; kite skiing 'ripped from the face of the earth'
Still wrestling this 'live your life like the kind of book you'd be willing to read' nonsense.
control of the surroundings
in praise of 'the lazy way'.
Broke my old pair of madshus, and my heart..
Efface yourself! Ask to paint the Radome like a giant bloodshot eye.
Still no buried UFO's
(.....why am I even here?)
The problem of drifting: (outlined in some better thought-out entry from Antarctica)
Traditional solutions: Buildings on stilts, buildings on skis, buildings built strong to withstand crushing underground
My solutions: 1) Spherical structure strong enough that once 50 some meters underground could 'float' upwards due to plasticity of ice. 2) With drifting comes scouring (about 30% as much). 'Sacrificial Anode' type dummy structure designed to bury itself as it scours away the real building near it. Could get a grant to fly around Antarctica and examine the drifting patterns around real nunataks in order to come up with the right shape. 3) Combination of traditional solutions with sandbar or teardrop shape to minimize air disturbance and snow deposition. If one of the LC130's that flies us up here ever dies, strikes me that would be ideal. A pre-made insulated aerodynamic structure on skis.
The problem of fork operators impaling the signaler b/c the signaler makes a mistake: 1) remote-controllable loader 2) cameras all over the thing like ones for parking rich peoples' cars. (fiber optics recessed in various locations over the forks so the operator could switch views?). Suppose that's trivial.
What if you formulated a caffeine pill w/ some sort of cellulosic coating: delayed release so that it would only dissolve after 7 or 8 hours? market it as 'wake up on time pill' to be taken just before bed, purchasers would report waking up feeling miraculous and energized at exactly the right time, you might just make 10 million dollars before 'some idiot took 300 of the pills cause they weren't working right away and 7 hours later he vibrated to death' lawsuit......even the possibility of the caffeine pill wrapped in a sleeping pill for the stimulant-addled business traveler who wants a nap.
Travel-addled stimulant businessman (wants a nap)
Having trouble with this 'entropy of information'. I want to separate hot and cold air. Maxwell's demon-- I envision a velocity-selector type apparatus (something I have in mind would work with ionized species? a very special membrane?). After the device lets heat flow against the gradient (2nd law :( ), then you could use the difference to generate electricity w/ a thermoelectric material. Suck energy from your surroundings.
Nano windmill ratchets. I have a job. Raise arches.
Push on things..... Pull on things
Carry shit Fix shit Stand around
It gets worse.
takes no specialist to pronounce
'pre-amp failure'
Hot mic the darth vader music on comms as CH2MHill corporate arrives. surprisingly, very positive reaction from the camp staff
I asked the flight sergeant when he came in: the 8 blade prop is the new 'non-combat version' (blades have to be light & weak not to fly apart?) and can pull a lot harder at low speeds. This means 40,000 bucks saved every time they take off w/out the JATO rockets.
I accepted a pretty big government scholarship with a federal service requirement.
Good news is that this here is 'federal service'.
Next month I am going to take math classes in Siberia..