Searching for a broken connection
(after the first big storm, 6.27)
Shane in Nevada! Just a prodigy, that brother.
"Tunnelvision" Rock climbing final decision:
Don't devote all your time to something someone else made up for fun.
Enough of 'pastimes' . I prefer 'quests'.
Roller hockey, fireworks, climbing on things, 192' zipline from the tree house: smaller (though more user friendly) than the middle-school zipline. These almost redeemed sophomore year:
Construction and testing.
Control of my adversaries.
Somebody stumbled upon our treehouse-- dismantle and deploy the form. (It's mine but I think Ben Haynor had the original idea) Physics 13, 14, 87; Engineering 22; Computer Science 5; Math 13, 23; Russian 27, 28, 29 ick! I'm an engineering major now
so my few free time thoughts have been driven to the deepest, arm-waviest reaches of the humanities.
Sky Bandits!
Resolved: life on a trajectory vs. life as collection of interesting experiences;
Danny: Spirituality as intellectual poverty. (Sink their petty views like fish with electricity!)
Who really should hold the monopoly on violence? Why the state.
Skipping Bullets. Activity starts the conversation about determinance/ chaos every time; you keep the initial conditions exactly exactly the same but the bullet will bounce four times, or once, or 15 little times and then a big time and one more little time, or 2 bigs and 9 littles---there's no controlling it. Random exists.
I usually feel pretty clever, but after 7 quarters straight,
Differential Equations class was bringing some 'flowers for algernon' moments. 'planet terror' (photo by Russ my first day back at Summit Station Greenland. Here for 2-3 months)
Corporate culture has invaded! It was bound to happen--so many worksite injuries
Commander! Still plugging; did I mention that all economics is reducible to thermodynamics? The fundamental unit of currency is the calorie--
This season I'm both on the construction crew and installing an experiment (low-band radio observation of the northern lights, how exciting) for Dartmouth College Department of Physics and Astronomy. Unique position of both highest and lowest ranking member on station (not that anything but experience matters to anyone who matters with experience)
you know what i mean
'Bird's Nest'. This poor flux capacitor was born with hardly any capacitance. (48 pF). It's name comes from all the dangly bits of wire I wound on to compensate.
Crib notes from the grad student. Concern for system vs. quality of experience.
Oh crap what broke
My Dear Astronomy,
and I hadn't been bored in years.
Persistent phenomenon of polar light and people taking pictures of trash
I still ski.
Lots. I find radiohead particularly congruous with this setting.
I knew my whole crew from the ice before.
(Oh crap what broke?)
This work is addictive. It's like some warped polar version of 'the right stuff'; like anyone who isn't in is out forever; like 'don't bother mentioning it they wouldn't understand'; like anyone who wouldn't instantly take their gloves off to monkey with that crescent in the brutal wind is truly and forever irrelevant. They imply: toughness demands constant upkeep and constant validation.
F. t. Giant P. o. C! The polar grind is not addictive when the work is so relentlessly cold, dull and enervating the end of the day makes you feel in fact prissier than ever before.
I may be torn but I wouldn't quit school to fill life with this business. But my beloved trust-fund ivy peers,
'Landing that hot internship', they are so out of touch with reality! You've go to put the footers down right so that building survives! They won't even succeed in their brash knowledge careers without knowing how the system ticks.
Straight into the heart of the machine.