Mar 20, 2008 19:55
I have turned him into such a gay.
I have tipsily decided to fill you in on some of the things that have happened that I have neglected to blog.
This will not be the LAura blog because I am tipsy and that might make for a blog gushy enough to make you puke. that would be bad
I got promoted to the customer service desk at work. I perversly enough, do love customer service and as such am enjoying it up there. There is so much more fodder to work with as far as customers to laugh at. seriously.
Kingstock happened and was awesomely amazing. I was also amazingly drunk for alot of it. I wasn't obnoxious though so win for all. I also discovered that LAura owns a pair of sailor pants with a button fly, but it isn't just a row of buttons, it's a square flap that goes down. Serious Hottness.
Turns out if I don't come home at night tommy will yell at me but good when I return.
My skin is currently coming off in sheets (ewwww)
I really really love being in the ocean
Fish are adorable
Rum and Horchata= awesome (and drunk)
I miss seeing the Kate.
I think that's it. I will now resume my drinking on the porch.