Doctor Who yarn, job stuff, and crippling depression.

May 17, 2010 23:31

1. Attention Doctor Who fans...who also knit haha.

Knitpicks has a special Doctor Who sock yarn right now! It's the one called "Time Traveler" obviously. I think I need to get some even though I never ever finish a pair of socks. ETA: Yeah I just bought some, how could I pass that up?

Speaking of Doctor Who, I loved this week's episode. I really do love this new Doctor and how he's kind of mean sometimes, and how he's getting old and crabby. And I also think Rory is adorable, and I like what they did with Amy in that episode. Bravo.

2. In other news, after 7 weeks of job searching I finally landed my first interview!! WOO! It's at a big science university in Philly for an administrative coordinator position. I'm not getting my hopes up since it sounds like they are interviewing lots of people, but it's still something. (But honestly I wouldn't mind doing this unemployed thing a bit longer, it's really quite relaxing haha!)

3. I've been spending all my time getting stuff ready for my big Lost party this weekend. I can't believe the finale's almost here. I feel like someone I love is about to die or something, it's ridiculous. It's worse than when Harry Potter ended. It's not just the show ending, but my recaps and everything that goes along with them! How depressing. I mean it's just a TV show, but still. Lost has been a gigantic part of my life for 6 years and in less than a week it's going to be all over! ;_;

lost, job hunt, unemployment, doctor who, knitting

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