When you came in, the air went out.

Jan 06, 2010 21:09

So I just finished reading the 9th Sookie Stackhouse book! I've been waiting to make a real post about them until after I finished them all!

I read all the books so fast that they have all jumbled up into one big story, so just in general...


- I love Sookie. Really, I do. I love how she yells at people for cursing, and how she uses ridiculous Southern phrases like "spanky new," and that she always thinks for herself (unlike a certain other vampire novel heroine...ahem) and just...yeah. I love her. She's always being beaten up, bitten up, or sexed up, and yet she still goes to work on time, makes herself dinner, and runs to Wal-Mart when she needs to. My kind of woman.

- ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!! The "reunion" scene between her and Eric in Book #9 was redonkulously hot and hilarious at the same time ("I am too big for some" LOL!! Seriously is this fanfic??) I love him, I love that he calls Sookie "lover" and that he has no doubt in his mind that she is just IT for him. I love the whole blood bond thing they've got going on. I honestly read these books so fast because I'm just speedreading to get to the next part when Eric's around. When I turn the page and see his name I actually go "YAY!"

- Pam! I think I want to be her when I grow up.

- Sam. Sure, he's nothing spectacular, but he's so totally Sookie's BFF and I like that. I think I like him much better in the books that in the show. I loved him turning into a lion at the werewolf battle royale.

- Okay so Bill was adorable in the first few books, then he was annoying, then he kind of disappeared, but then by Book #8 when he was on his stealth mission to win Sookie back I kind of loved him again. Not gonna lie, at the end of Book #9 when he said he'd happily die in Sookie's service I got a little choked up! Can't she just be with Bill AND Eric? Sigh.

- Sophie-Ann. I'm sad she's dead because she was fierce, dude. I loved her even more on the show.

- The bombing in Rhodes! It was messed up and sad, but I was GLUED to that book! You can tell Charlaine Harris really stepped up her game. And Sookie working with Barry to find survivors was pretty awesome.

- Diantha. I don't know, Ijustkindalikeher.

Not so awesome

- Book Jason sucks ass, especially when in comparison with Show Jason. I don't know what my opinion would be of him had I never seen the show, but book Jason stinks.

- Who knew fairies were such DICKS!? R.I.P. Claudine! ;_; Niall is a big weirdo, in my head he looks like a combo of the dad from Alf and Bowie in Labyrinth.

- Alcide. Look, he was okay in the beginning, but the longer he was around the more he started to suck. I'm interested to see what they do with him on the show (the actor they cast is hooot) because Book Alcide is a big downer after a while, amiright? And I am soooo sick of hearing about Debbie Pelt, oh my god. That was so 5 books ago.

- Weres, in general. Not that I'm omigod-in-love-with-vampires, but werewolves, werepanthers, weretigers, werefoxes, etc etc - they are all just a huge drag. Apparently none of them are allowed to have any sense of humor at all, and everything with them is ceremonies and broken vows and all this BULLSHIT LOL. At least the vampires have some ~*pizazz*~. Y SO SRS BZNSS, WERE-PEOPLE??

- Quinn. It could be that I just cannot get a mental picture of this dude (in my head he looks like a genie/that huge scary bodyguard dude from Annie), or the fact that I can't stand anyone calling anyone "BABE," but this dude just irked the hell out of me. When your choices are Eric and Bill, you should not be worried about some giant bald dude that you dry humped once LOL.

- Ridiculously weird names. Maria-Star? Ginjer? Selah Pumphrey? Octavia? Claude/Claudine/Claudette? Halleigh? Sweetie Des Arts? Alcee? D'Eriq? Tray? Who names their kid TRAY? And while we're on the subject, I hate the term "Supes." It makes me think of SOUP.

- Hotshot. Gives. Me. The Willies. It sucks she got crucified, but I'm glad Crystal is out of the picture! We don't need any Baby Stackhouses running around Inbredsville.

- I hate that Arlene turned into a douche and a half.


- Tara. Not that I'm complaining because I can't stand Show Tara, but Book Tara is just kind of...there. I hate the name "Tara's Togs" haha for some reason just the name pisses me off. I was glad when Amelia showed up because now Sookie could have a friend that wasn't Tara.

- Amelia. She's okay I guess...but...meh. And her dad is so shady. He reminds me of Conrad Hilton from Mad Men. Bob the cat was pretty funny though. I love how pissed he was when Octavia turned him back into a person.

- Bubba. Still not impressed with the whole Elvis thing, and I HATE that she has to explain it in every single book haha. It's like...WE GET IT. Although the time she had him say, "Thank you very much" was A+.

I cannot wait until May for the next one. The last line of Book #9 has me verrry curious what Niall meant!

sookie stackhouse, books, true blood

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