Things I am Currently Digging:

Aug 21, 2008 18:09

Venture Brothers Season 3: Dude...Bald Brock Samson? Totally hot. I am so sad this week is the finale.

David Duchovny: I'm up to Season 6 of the X-Files and he still makes me feel kind of funny. Like when I used to climb the ropes in gym class.

The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer: Like Band of Brothers: The Book.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman ( Read more... )

music, venture bros, movies, fall, knitting, david duchovny, books, x-files

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Comments 43

ali_jayne August 21 2008, 22:46:57 UTC
makes me feel kind of funny. Like when I used to climb the ropes in gym class.

ROCK ON, GARTH. \m/>.<\m/

I like the colors of Noro's sock yarn, but I really don't like how scratchy it feels. I'm really sensitive-skinned. :( Let us know how it washes up?

Um, I went to Chicago for the Harry Potter convention? I have peekshurs here of Chicago, if you're into that.


ack_attack August 21 2008, 22:55:31 UTC
You know it's scratchy when you're knitting with it, but when I put it on my foot it felt perfectly soft!



AW OMG BELUGA WHALES!!! ;lskjf;aklsdjfkl

hahaha I'm totally leaving this comment in the wrong spot, but that whole trip looks like so much fun!!!


ali_jayne August 22 2008, 01:30:41 UTC
Oh, it totally was. I didn't want to leave AT ALL! :D


obscures August 21 2008, 22:48:37 UTC
XF S6 is so full of win. I'm taking a DVD marathon break though. :[ I sort of skipped all the way over to S9 to get ready for IWTB, lolol.

OMG, yesterday I was at Target and I saw these gorgeous sweaters and I started flailing... fall/winter are definitely my favorite seasons. I kinda caved and bought a sweater vest. :3 ♥


ack_attack August 21 2008, 22:57:04 UTC
lol I still haven't seen IWTB but the other night I made it up to FTF! And it was awesome! The funny thing is I saw it when it came out and all I remembered of the entire movie was that there was snow somewhere XD

YAY I love sweater vests. I would wear one every day if I didn't fear people would start calling me Gonzo.


obscures August 22 2008, 03:46:07 UTC
Hee, yes! I forget that FTF happens right after S5. I was so traumatized that they didn't kiss because of a fucking BEE that I couldn't watch it more than a couple of times. I listened to the soundtrack a whole hell of a lot though. ♥ I still remember to this day getting the spoiler email on AOL 3.0 or whatever it was about the bee. The idea of it was so unbelievably stupid to me that I refused to accept it. Well... ;___;

Haha, aww, I blame it on Sean Lennon. He's like the king of sweater vests these days. ;P


ack_attack August 22 2008, 12:51:39 UTC
That bee was the worst. At least there's that outtake of them just like MAKING OUT hahaha.


bomburjo August 21 2008, 22:49:08 UTC
I love PSH and I love The Savages. Corduroy-clad babies, haha!

Thanks for the song! It's fun!


ack_attack August 21 2008, 22:58:16 UTC
That band is great, if you like that song you should check out the album! It's kind of like Belle and Sebastian meets Sufjan Stevens haha.

PSH has always been one of my favorites. He just seems like the coolest guy ever, even when he's playing total losers haha.


bomburjo August 21 2008, 23:18:49 UTC
Ooh, two of my favs! I will definitely check the album out.

I know, PSH is so great... Did you see Before the Devil Knows You're Dead? Beause he was kind of crazy-awesome-awful in that. :)


ack_attack August 21 2008, 23:41:43 UTC
I have never even heard of this movie!!! Is it old?


croakvegas August 21 2008, 22:49:11 UTC
Oooooooh I love fall autumn!! I seriously spend all summer just waiting for the days to start getting short and for the trees to begin to die. Although tbh this has been the best summer ever, there's been about 4 hot days in total.

Downloading that Icelandic track because a) Iceland pwns, and b) Seabear? That's one of the cutest names ever, lol.

The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer: Like Band of Brothers: The Book.
I see Band of Brothers, I'm sold. Literally on anything. They could make Band of Brothers cereal and I'd buy it. Or they could just say "Band of Brothers" in the advertisement and I'd still buy it, heh.


ack_attack August 21 2008, 23:00:18 UTC
I hate that the days get shorter because it blows when it's dark when you get out of work, but still - it's worth it for all the pumpkinny, cold goodness!!

Seabear: The name is as cute as the music. Seriously.

LOL Band of Brothers cereal would have little marshmallows shaped like grenades and fox holes hahaha. AW.


hepcatliz August 23 2008, 01:56:05 UTC
LOL!! Yah I would be all about the BoB cereal too!


(The comment has been removed)

ack_attack August 21 2008, 23:00:56 UTC

*autumn high five*


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