Things I am Currently Digging:

Aug 21, 2008 18:09

Venture Brothers Season 3: Dude...Bald Brock Samson? Totally hot. I am so sad this week is the finale.

David Duchovny: I'm up to Season 6 of the X-Files and he still makes me feel kind of funny. Like when I used to climb the ropes in gym class.

The Naked and the Dead by Norman Mailer: Like Band of Brothers: The Book.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman in The Savages: He's just the kind of schlubby college professor-type I want to marry and have lots of nerdy, corduroy-clad babies with.

Seabear: An adorable indie rock band from Iceland. Check out this song. Adorable.

Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn: The colors are SO COOL. I'm making socks! My color's #226 for anyone who is interested.

Fall: Okay, so I know it's not fall yet. But GUYS! It's almost here! Pretty soon everything will smell like crunchy leaves and nutmeg and everything will be made out of pumpkin and apples and we can wear scarves!

music, venture bros, movies, fall, knitting, david duchovny, books, x-files

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