
Jul 02, 2008 18:06

I've been kind of MIA on Livejournal lately. The reason is very simple - I'm not used to having so many people watching my journal, and I honestly feel naked. I've sat here multiple times over the last few weeks racking my brain, trying to figure out if what I'm thinking about is worth reading ( Read more... )

ivy league vest, the beatles, dr who, lolz, music, wicked cardigan, real life, david duchovny, webcomics, knitting, rose's wristwarmers, books, x-files, hp

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Comments 117

poptartmuse July 2 2008, 23:48:49 UTC
my BSG-less fridays make me so frakking sad. ;_____; also, Wall-E was ADORABLE and the fire extinguisher dance was so cute. alsjfdsd. also loved Eve and the fact that she just blew shit up if she didn't like it LOLOL.


ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:06:42 UTC
I know, Fridays without BSG seem so empty! I have nothing to look forward all week!

lol seriously, Eve was so badass!! I loved her! And the little cleaning up dude? Win.


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ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:16:48 UTC
LOL THANKS. I really do literally sit there, clutching one hand around the other arm, knuckles white, FREAKING OUT, and then thinking of Sawyer coming out that water. It helps. It really does XD

Yeah I mean the price depends on the yarn, but just like overall I'm wondering if it would be worth it to make a few pairs to sell...


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ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:39:23 UTC
No way that sounds like a lot! I mean I'd love to make $50 for a pair, but I'm sure most people wouldn't be interested haha. It's so hard to gauge these things.


londonsparrow July 3 2008, 00:09:23 UTC
Wall-E! Pixar always makes me cry, wrrry~ So good.

And haha omg Venture Brothers. I loved that all the kids that came to visit were like "Where's Rusty?" and he's like, "It's ME, I'm just old and pathetic now". Speaking of, Old Johnny Quest is so scary.

I like your music lists. Jens Lekman! (Go Swedes!)


ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:18:04 UTC
LOL I know, those kids and Rusty were awesome haha he had to hide Hank and Dean because it would blow the kids' minds that their hero had gotten laid hahaha!!


subtle__sarcasm July 3 2008, 00:12:13 UTC
I was wondering where you were *clings*

I always wonder whether the stuff in my head would be considered worth reading, but ultimately it's a liveJOURNAL, you know? write whatever the hell you want, it's your journal.
Plus you know we love you, even if you made 3 "Jack is awesome and I love Jears" posts in a row or sth.

I LOVE A Softer World and White Ninja is hilarious. *bookmarks the others* My favorite webcomic is still Questionable Content. The characters are great, it's full of pop-cultzre references, I really love the drawing style and it's hilarious.


*lool* Ah yes, Foxy Mulder. ^^ And heee @ that joke ^^

I can. not. wait for Wall-E to finally hit the theaters here omg.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Sawyer and Anders. I MISS MY SHOWS!!!!!

O_________________O @ cat drama, holy crap.

*clings more*


ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:20:57 UTC
LOL AW HI! I'm also always torn between posting publicly and friends-only and sometimes I want to make TWO posts and put certain things in each and then I'm like THIS IS RETARDED and don't post anything lol. UGH THE INTERNET it's so confusing.

I love Questionable Content too!! but my favorite is the first one I linked up there, it's like AMAZING.

Oh god the cat drama was RIDICULOUS, I practically had a heart attack, it all happened so fast, and I was locked in my room and couldn't do anyting, I just heard horrible screeching noises and my mom freaking out!! But two of my sisters' cats attacked my poor Ramona!! Bastards.


superfrayed July 3 2008, 00:13:20 UTC

I don't really have anything to say except hi.

I miss Friday Night BSG :( So much ;___;


ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:31:12 UTC
Me too ;____; it's only been gone like a few weeks and I'm already like AW BSG!!!! And I really miss Lost too ;_; stupid frakking 6 month hiatuses, they are trying to KILL US!

I wonder when Dexter comes back haha that and FOTC were my summer shows last year and FOTC isn't coming back, but maybe Dexter is!


superfrayed July 3 2008, 00:39:21 UTC
I thought Dexter wasn't until something stupid like September ;___;

Other than Psych & Burn Notice there's not much to occupy time..


ack_attack July 3 2008, 00:40:53 UTC
This is balls, dude. Without X-Files I would have NOTHING to watch.

Fine, thanks.

6 weeks.


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