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Comments 93

lepapillon June 19 2008, 00:39:07 UTC
I saw Such a Pretty Fat One come through at my library a few weeks ago. It looked kind of hilarious, at least title wise. If you like it, let me know if it's worth a read.


ack_attack June 19 2008, 00:52:14 UTC
It sounds awesome, the chick who wrote it is super snarky! I'll let you know how it is :D


poinsley June 19 2008, 00:40:56 UTC
I want to click that cut so badly!!!

Just finished Razor. Still don't like the Pegasus crew. On to season 4!!


ack_attack June 19 2008, 00:56:06 UTC
LOL oh good I was wondering if you were going to see Razor! The only cool part is that insane scene with the Hybrid and then the flashback!!


poinsley June 19 2008, 00:58:21 UTC
Which flashback? The one related to the hybrid?


ack_attack June 19 2008, 01:00:51 UTC
Yeah the one when Baby Adama saw those people locked in that room! THAT WAS LEOBEN AND A GIRL THAT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE KARA!!!

Hold on... here's my reaction post to Razor! ls;dkfl;aksd


superfrayed June 19 2008, 00:43:51 UTC
omg I just got a bit of anxiety when I read 56 days! LAKSJLAKSJ I need my stupid passport!!

Anyways. I've been listening to bear's Diaspora Oratorio on repeat for the last half hour and am STILL having BSG thoughts that are STILL hurting my brain! It'll be a long day tomorrow having no one to discuss with!

Btw my pupils are still HUGE.

YAY music and yellow party!!! LKAJSLKASJ


corellianjedi June 19 2008, 00:46:28 UTC
I've been listening to bear's Diaspora Oratorio on repeat for the last half hour

How?! *wants*


superfrayed June 19 2008, 00:47:58 UTC
I grabbed the link from frak_spoilers it was ripped from the ep.. are you a member of that comm? if not I can upload it for you.


corellianjedi June 19 2008, 00:48:38 UTC
I'm not a member! If it's not too much trouble to upload...


corellianjedi June 19 2008, 00:45:39 UTC
The Ivy League Vest and the hoodie are adorable! I can't wait to see what they look like when you're done.

BIG BANG THEORY!! :D I would use my icon but it's from the finale. I just watched "The Grasshopper Experiment" during lunch today. I love drunk!Raj.


ack_attack June 19 2008, 01:03:38 UTC
Thanks!! I'm excited to be making my own fall wardrobe haha

I started watching the Grasshopper Experiment and then the streaming crapped out on me! But I love Raj too lol he actually SPOKE to Penny!


obscures June 19 2008, 00:53:02 UTC
The Shifting Sands scarf is guh. Oh hey, I'm a new friend, btw. ♥

Are you an X-Phile? S1 Mulder is so freaking hot. I'm on S2 right now... Netflix left me on a cliffhanger. I'm doing a HP reread also... the wait for the HBP teaser trailer has been excruciating. At least we got the leaked pics. On MuggleCast they were talking about how they would make a slideshow of them all, put some John Williams music to it, and that's your teaser trailer right there. XD


ack_attack June 19 2008, 01:05:16 UTC
Thanks! And Hello! :D Nice to meet ya! Anyone with "Beatles" in their username MUST be cool haha.

I love the X-Files! Although it's weird, I've seen most of the episodes, but not really in order, and some I haven't seen in like a decade, so I'm just watching them all in order now!

Haha oh my god the day the teaser trailer for HBP comes out all the HP madness will start all over again!!


obscures June 19 2008, 01:12:12 UTC
Hee, thanks! Icon twinzzers. :3

Yeah, same here, although I don't think I'll finish in time by July 25th. D: I can always skip those non-Mulder seasons, haha.

Damn right it should! I just can't wait to see Dumby's o__O face. And all the Snape evilnessss. I'm crossing my fingers we get it with Get Smart.


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