BSG...and 9 billion other things.

Jun 18, 2008 18:37

1. So yesterday while having my daily email chat with superfrayed, I thought of these crazy new BSG theories.

So Ron Moore once said that the Final Five are full Cylons (as in, not partially human), but they are "inherently different." He also said they aren't numbered.

Here's my thought:

The original Centurion Cylons had a war with the humans 40 or 50 years ago.

Then they disappeared.

Then they showed up 40 or 50 years later, the new models looked like humans, and they blew everything up.

So it's logical to think that the Centurions built the "numbered" models. They built them to wage war against the humans.

Now. What if SOMEHOW, some humans got wind of what these Centurions were up to, and they started making their OWN humanoid models, models that would DEFEND the humans and not harm them?

What if Tigh, Tory, Chief, and Anders are human-made humanoids, and they were built by the GOOD GUYS!? And not only that, they don't have the same exact technology the Centurions had because they didn't really know what they were doing. Like maybe they can't resurrect because the people who created them didn't even consider that as an option?

It would explain why they're all so fiercely loyal. They were, after all, the leaders of the Resistance on New Caprica.

And then say this DID happen, and if the Centurions figured out that the humans were building their own models, so they programmed their models to not recognize or think about the Final Five because they didn't want them joining forces to switching teams or whatever.

I'm probably wrong, but it's a cool idea, amiright!?

Also, superfrayed and I had this idea that somehow when Kara was sucked into that swirly storm, she traveled in time back to when the ancient humans lived on Earth.

Like, think about this:

Kara goes back 2,000 years. Meets the people there. Tells them what's up with the modern Cylon War. The people freak out and start killing all their Cylons as a preemptive measure, which pisses the Cylons off, and then they just all nuke the shit out of each other.

ALSO, if Kara DID go back in time, the Hybrid saying that "Kara Thrace is the harbinger of death" and the "herald of the apocalypse" isn't a prophecy, it would be HISTORY. GET IT!?

If Kara went back in time on Earth and somehow started this war that eventually nuked the planet, then the Hybrid is just saying what happened all those years ago.

And everything has happened before and it will all happen again? What if that's not technically right? Maybe it's HAPPENING NOW. Anything is really possible when you throw time travel into the equation, and the fact that Kara was missing for 2 months means SOMETHING, right? It's like it happened before AND it's happening now, but it's the same exact event.

When Kara was sucked into the storm, she said "They're waiting for me," disappeared, and then the Final Four woke up. What if she went to Earth and somehow switched on a signal that turned them on? But from the past?

It all makes my brain hurt. Me and Kim spent all of yesterday mindfrakking each other LOL. I love it.

2. So, anyway. What else is going on with me? I went to a birthday party last weekend and ate lots of good food prepared by my food snob friends. I went to a bridal shower and met my friends' baby for the first time, and she was adorable.

3. This weekend I'm going to this Popped Music Festival thing in Philly. Gogol Bordello and Mates of State will be there. And if I have a enough time I'm going to a party at a friend's house (it's the best series of parties ever - they're having ROYGBIV parties all year. I couldn't go to Red or Orange, but this is the Yellow Party!!)

4. Tomorrow I have the day off for work, but it's not for a fun reason, it's so I can go to the dentist and get a "deep cleaning," which I'm sure will be as horrendous as it sounds. Work's been alright lately - kind of boring. My boss, who is bubbly and fun and crazy, has been out on maternity leave for 2.5 weeks already, and things aren't really the same without her.

5. I've been reading David Sedaris' new book. I love him to death, but it's definitely not as good as his previous work. Doesn't mean I won't finish it, though. I'm also into Order of the Phoenix in my great HP reread of 2008. And today I ordered The Boat by Nam Le, God is Dead, by Ron Currie, and this book by Jen Lancaster called Such a Pretty Fat: One Narcissist's Quest To Discover if Her Life Makes Her Ass Look Big, Or Why Pie is Not The Answer, which sounds kind of awesome.

6. I finished a scarf I've been making (Grumperina's Shifting Sands Scarf in Malabrigo, for all the knitters) and I love it. I also started the Ivy League Vest - here's a photo I took a few days ago. It's knitting up much faster than I thought it would! And I'm already thinking about making the Apres Surf Hoodie as my next project, once the vest is done.

7. I've been watching Season 1 of the X-Files (guhhhh MULDER) and The Big Bang Theory. Both are nerdy fun. I also finished up all the Venture Brothers episodes, and I'm so glad I didn't have to wait a year and a half to see new ones!

8. The Lost Recap I wrote for the Season 4 finale has been viewed over 6,200 times on my site!! INSANE.

9. I've been listening to lots of BSG and Lost soundtracks, and lots of Andrew Bird, and Jens Lekman, and Van Morrison's Astral Weeks because it's the best summer album ever made.

10. superfrayed is coming to visit in 56 days. (;lkdsjf'lkasdf;klasjdf;klasdjkl)

11. And finally, if you would like to laugh your ASS OFF for three minutes, you need to watch this.

It's a fake vodka commercial and I almost popped a blood vessel in my eye the first time I watched it.

image Click to view


Those guys are so freaking bizarre.

theackattack, ackfray, music, real life, lol, friends, books, ivy league vest, bsg, scarf, bsg theories, video, knitting, hp, x-files, big bang theory

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