I like the posts that have been coming out of this meme, and I feel like lots of you only know me as LOST GIRL, so let's do it:
Everyone has things they blog about. Everyone has things they don't blog about. Challenge me out of my comfort zone by telling me something I don't blog about, but you'd like to hear about, and I'll respond in another post. Ask for anything: latest movie watched, last book read, my real life friends, phobias, music stuff, any non-Lost related things lolz, graphics techniques, etc.
Go ahead. Ask me anything, just not about politics because they don't interest me much haha.
Handwrite the following and then upload!
1. Your name/username.
2. Left-handed or right-handed?
3. Favourite letters to write?
4. Least favourite letters to write?
5. Write "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".
6. Tag 5 people.
Sorry it's so giant, you couldn't read it if it was smaller.
Lost recap coming...soonish. By the end of the week mostly likely :D
Also: BSG IN 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!! Woot woot!!