This Is Halloween, This Is Halloween

Oct 29, 2007 18:34

Most badass pumpkin ever: Y/N?

We had a pumpkin decorating contest at work. Ours was awesome. Just look at her hanging out, being all like, "FECK YOU, CINDERELLA BUGGY."

I just want to hang out with her.

And now, My Halloween Party: In List Form.

Hours slept since Friday: 12
Approximate number of people attended: 40-ish
Pictures taken by me because my camera kept dying: 10
Pictures magically deleted as soon as I tried to upload them: 10 ;_;

I will have pictures soonish. I am trying to collect them from everyone who was here with a camera because I have none. BOO.

Some Costumes Seen:
Jersey Devil
Tom Waits
Dharma Initiative lackie
Boy clad in leiderhosen
Cheech and Chong
Spoiled Sweet 16-year-old
Mario Batali
Gorilla with Viking helmet and sword
Girl being attacked by birds
And an assortment of zombies, serial killers, kids, paper bags worn on heads, skeletons, sexy witches, and people who I could not figure out what they were actually going for. And Gosia, who was the 2.0 version of johnhutch hahaha.

Some adjectives to describe the party:
Drunken and Loud

Some adjectives to describe the boys that stayed at my house until 9pm on Sunday night:
Awesome &hearts

Amounts Consumed:
100 Jello shots
1 keg Bud Lite
30+ bottles ~*snob*~ beer
1 handle spiced rum
1 bottle coconut rum
4 bottles vodka
3 bottles red wine
4 frillion cigarettes
5 pounds taco dip
5 million cupcakes
1/2 Gremlin-shaped cheeseball

Items Broken:
My fan (kicked in by Dan Hill)
My mirror (stepped on by Dan Hill)
My sliding glass door (not sure, but I have a feeling Dan Hill is somehow involved)

Hours spent having punk rock singscream-a-long: 2

Conclusion: It was fun. We were drunk. I am very, very tired. LOL.

And hopefully me and my [male] friends didn't scare greenwitch forever hahaha. They are a tad...eager.

phh, parties, crafts, real life, drunk, friends, halloween

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